Monday, September 18, 2006

Just Say No Sydney.

Setting the stage... when Sydney and I met in Fargo for the first time, I was wearing blue jeans and my Brett Favre Green Bay Packer Jersey. After talking for a while, Sydney said, "Who's Brett Fav -er-ay?" (At the time, he was the league MVP for 3 years running.) My response was, "What kind of vacuum do you live in? ... You must live under a really big rock." Anyway, I soon found out that she had absolutely no clue about football Didn't know teams, rules or scoring. Nothing, Nada, Zip. Fortunately for her, she was very hot, gorgeous and sexy... so I looked passed this major flaw. Over the years however, Sydney has studied the game... picked up on the rules and joined fantasy football. The fact that she loves football turns me on.

That said; I have created a monster. Yesterday, there were only 2 games on during the afternoon... so Sydney spent the afternoon moping in the living room upset that she didn't have a chance to watch our fantasy football players. She even went as far as complaining about how expensive the "NFL Ticket on Direct TV is and how it is a big conspiracy and that the networks are working together to reduce the amount of games on Sunday afternoon so that if people want to watch football that they have to purchase the $250.00 Sunday Ticket...."

Internet... it was really sad. I felt like I was a crack dealer who was watching a customer suffer withdawl. I couldn't tell if Sydney was just cold or if she was suffering from "the shakes."

I feel bad about what I have created... but then I would choose this over a wife who yells at me for watching too much football.

... So stuff that NFL crack pipe full and smoke it baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to figure out why I didn't play that Favarey guy on my league this week. No I had to go and play that Tom Brady dude.

I have the Sunday NFL ticket. It's worse than crack.

Ben email me we need to chat. Do you like fishing?

9:36 AM

Blogger Katie said...

Ahahahaha, you created the PERFECT MONSTER

Go Syd, GO. Love that football and be proud of it.

Ben you are one LUCKY man.

9:36 AM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Ben - you created a monster. That's all there is to it. Now, you must live with the consequences.

Sydney - I'm not calling you a monster. Please, no hard feelings.


9:37 AM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

Last night I not only watched the COWBOYS beat the REDSKINS, but I also participated in planning an impromptu dinner/football-watching-party for the event. All because my man loves him some football.

And I did it all after my beloved Eagles lost in overtime to the stupid Giants.

I, however, will never live in a house that has THE SUNDAY TICKET. I'll watch a game every once and again (especially if it is the Eagles), but I'm not obsessed to the point where watching up to 14 games in an afternoon is appealing. Not that there is anything wrong with that (Sydney). :P

11:15 AM

Blogger Jennboree said...

That's hilarious! My husband would be SOOOOOO jealous of your NFL crackhead.

It was the opposite for us. For the first year, I watched every game with him, cheered when I was supposed to, cursed when I was supposed to, drank excessively when supposed to. He was in heaven. Then I HOOKED him.

At least that's his story.

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't really pronounce Brett Farverereeer(?)'s last name. Something about being a born and bred Viking's fan that doesn't allow it to compute in my brain.

So ... rumor has it that you can get ahold of the customer retention 800 number at DirecTV (if I wasn't an emotional wreck right now I'd track it down) and lie and say you'll leave DirecTV if they don't do something to keep you ..... some have gotten it .... others, like us, got $5 off per month for 6 months plus free HBO and Showtime.

Our 6 months is up ... and we're missing HBO and Showtime.

Found it ... 800-824-9081

Gogle DirecTV customer retention sometime just for fun. ^_^

10:30 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

hahaha. You are a crack dealer.

I love football season, but I only keep up with the Cowboys and the Steelers really. In college football I like to watch Texas and OU and Ohio State and Tech and North Texas, but other than that I don't keep up with much. I don't do fantasy football because it does require a commitment and I am too busy to commit so much time to one thing.

7:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe at least she likes football. My hubby and I like completely different sports so we don't usually sit down and watch them together.

9:26 PM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

My mom LOVES football too. She's even gone as far as watching a game online so she can keep up with her favorite college teams while here in SC.

10:01 AM


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