Okay... the Birthdays are over until May...
All I can say is there were a lot of cold winter nights that Sydney and I enjoyed and that's why we have 3 children so close together. But when you think about it... when it is snowing out... there are really only two choices... Watch TV or make your own fun.
Apparently we did the latter. ... and now Christmas (in terms of presents) comes twice a year.
Too much information I know... but then when have I ever cared about that?
We also watched a lot of TV though too. I love TV. If my wife wasn't so beautiful (both inside and out) my options would have been narrowed down to one choice. I am amazed by the number of TV shows that are really good now days... and TIVO has allowed me not to have to make a choice and I can watch until my heart is content. That and the INTERNET. I really need to thank Al Gore for creating the internet... it is such a cornacopia of amazement. Did you know that you can watch TV on the internet now? You can blog... you can chat with your friends... and NOW you can watch FULL LENGTH EPISODES... without commercials... of your favorite shows like LOST or the Nine... at work even. (Unless you are Chirky.)
In the same breath, Al Gore is the Devil. Only an evil man would create something that would introduce such conflict into one's life. How do people get any work done with all of the options placed before them?
So, I guess what I am trying to say is: Al Gore, if you really did create the internet, and had I known that I was going eventually be able to watch FULL LENGTH EPISODES of my favorite TV shows at ABC.com... I probably would have voted for you. I would have even worn an I "HEART" AL GORE Button.
Okay... I am lying, I would have never voted for you... but you get the point.
(Thanks Anon. Fixed.)
1:18 PM
you are a NUT
2:32 PM
What kind of goofy are you?
8:37 AM
ben, TV is from the devil. It is
clearly and without a doubt the greatest time waster ever 'concieved' if you want smarter kids and a closer family- you will throw the thing out, today!
dad of three A students
6:06 PM
Lost is the best show EVAHHHH!
3:01 PM
Wow. That was way fun trying to read and stay on track with your thoughts.
10:00 AM
Oh, the internet is fun. I can't imagine life without it now. Thanks Al Gore! And thank you Ben for reminding us all to say Thanks Al!
2:12 PM
Yeah, what Eddo said! Thanks to Al, I waste countless hours on the internet...but at least I got to watch the episode of Desperate Housewives that I missed Sunday night. Al Gore is my hero - oh and uh, I didn't vote for him either...that way he can humbly remain the man contributing to our society by inventing things! There's no way to be humble as President - they are constantly having to brag about their accomplishments to get America's approval!
3:50 PM
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