Thursday, October 26, 2006

"Hom chicky bomb chicky dongdiddly dong diddly dong dong bow wow wow..."

Hi YA!

Recently I purchased a Sudoku Calendar and each day I get a new Sudoku puzzle which needs solving. It has different levels: White Belt, Green Belt, Brown Belt and Black Belt... I have mastered the White and Green Belt... but the Brown and Black Belts are throwing me for a loop.

BUT... this young (okay middle aged) "Grasshoppa" will not give up. I am the Karate Kid of Sudoku... with Mr. Miyagi smacking my head saying, "At ta ta ta! Always look eye!"

So that's what I am doing with my opponent, Sudokuson... Weilding my pencils like chopsticks... Because "Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything." (So if I am solving my Sudoku puzzle and a fly zips by... I will be ready. )

In traditional "Cobra Kai" fashion... I am chanting:

"Defeat is not accepted in this dojo... is it?"
"No Sensei!"
"Mercy is not accepted in this dojo... is it?"
"No Sensei!"

"Strike Hard! Strike First! No Mercy's Shown!"

....That or I am Henry from the hit cartoon show Hong Kong Phooey

Hi YA!

You remember Hong Kong Phooey... right?

I am cool like that.

Who is this super hero?
Rosemary the telephone operator?
No way man!
Henry the mild mannered janitor?


"Hong kong phooey, number one super guy.
Hong kong phooey, quicker than the human eye.

Oh, hes got style, a groovy smile, a bite that just won't stop.
When the going gets rough, hes super toughWith the hong kong phooey chop!

Hong kong phooey, number one super guy,
Hong kong phooey, oh he's quicker than the human eye.

hom chicky bomb chicky dongdiddly dong diddly dong dong bow wow wow"

Just call me the Hong Kong Phooey of Sudoku.



Blogger Katie said...

you make me laugh

that is all

12:05 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

I think you need to cut back on the sugar.

I'm impressed you could spell all of those foreign words.

Have a great weekend. I'm off with the JV youth group to a youth conference this weekend!

6:00 PM

Blogger Heather said...

I love sudoku and so the one in the paper every day. I think I"m going to have to get me one of those calendars.

I loved Hong Kong Phooey. Haven't thought of him in a while. You go with your bad self.

6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I related and snort giggled through this post!! LOLOLOLOL I'm not Kong Phooey but hey I will go a little ape if I can't get the puzzle!!
How much coffee have you had??!!

8:16 AM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I was SO with you on the Karate Kid thing. Everything else was lost on me.

10:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sibs and I LOVED Hong Kong Phooey because it was the ONLY cartoon on Sunday Mornings before church. So we saw it every week. AWESOME!!!

1:18 PM

Blogger David Edward said...

did sydney put something in your coffee?

9:34 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

you are a big ol' dork, but that is forgiven because you are cool enough to sudoku, and that says a LOT!

i have been doing a lot since i have been sick this weekend, and i can tell i am not at the top of my game. they are taking WAY too long, and i make lots of notes in the margin.

8:02 AM

Blogger Eddo said...

ummm... I think I will just call you crazy. It sounds like someone got a little too much caffeine right before writing this post. haha. Bom chickadadiddly bom bom? What? Hong Kong Phooey? I only remember him vaguely... I guess I am too young to really remember him! :)

10:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love sudoku. tomorrow is amanda (upheaval)'s birthday, and she got an early present: an electronic sudoku game WITH a pink cover.

i'm coveting. can you tell?

11:25 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Only one problem, his name was Penry, Not Henry. You can verify it here

9:44 AM


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