Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Snapshots in my mind...

Last night, we decorated the Christmas tree and listened to music and sang Christmas Carols... it was great. I tried my best to take as many "snapshots" in my mind of the experience... the kids... the joy... the laughter... the twinkle in their eyes. Sydney... and how beautiful she looked in the glimmer of the lights... the snuggles I got from Micker Mackers and Bug Bug as we were watching the Christmas Tree and listening to music when we were done. Jake ... hanging ordaments by standing on a chair... Benji, trying to hang a small stuffed animal on the tree because he saw everyone else putting stuff on the tree.

I know that the moment was fleeting and for some reason... it made me sad that some day, life will be different.

So, I tried to capture the moment as much as I could so I can remember how fun it was...

It was a great time.


Blogger Charlyn said...

Awww..precious memories. I love 'em.

Time truly does fly.

Glad you came back blog friend! ;)

6:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do that sometimes. There are just those perfect moments I don't ever want to forget. And since my memory doesn't always serve me right, I keep as many of them as I can in a scrapbook!

9:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like doing that, because life is fleeting, and those are moments you'll always want to remember. So often, I forget to take those mental snapshots and I don't remember where the time went.

And you reminded me, I need to get the decorations out right now!!!

9:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the exact reason why you need to keep blogging. So you don't forget those precous memories.

9:37 AM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

Time in the moment. But it sounds like you already know that...

10:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

snapshots in your mind - but snapshots in the camera??

pictures! pictures! we all know how crafty your lovely wife is. we want to SEE the christmas tree and ornaments and stuffed animals shoved between branches.

5:02 PM

Blogger Katie said...

such great memories to hold on to, i'm glad you have them saved up in your mind

2:28 PM


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