Pissed, Pissed, Pissed...... and ramblings of a pregnant lady
Man... I haven't blogged in months and there is honestly nothing that ticks me off more and makes me more angry than when the computer doesn't do exactly what I want it to do!.... GRRRRR! Here me roar!........ I typed out this huge... huge..... blog.... and it didn't post and gave me an error.... Lost the whole flippin thing........ Grr.... The urge to kill.... (Old family saying)
So anyways I get on the phone to Ben and just explode... he calmed me somewhat down and somehow manage to convince to to WRITE THE WHOLE STUPID THING OVER AGAIN!.... I'm still seething.... must be the pregnant hormones....
anyways... the next section of this blog will hopefully contain most of my earlier blog that is lost in I don't know where.....so...... this is how it went.....
By the way this is Sydney,
I know that by now most of you were probably were starting to think that I didn't exsist and the pictures of the kids were also fake....... I am here to set the record straight.... Ben is married... and we have kids..... to verify this statement... read the next section below....
Achoo... achoo..... Sniff sniff... (blowing my nose). This is miserable.... my eyes are all red and sometimes watering, my nose hurts to touch it, my ears feel like they are stuffed with cotton balls and my throat is sore from the green snot running down it. Yuck.... ah.... but Ben still thinks I'm hot.... (Wow I must be really hot if he thinks I am still hot with this cold). I have managed to catch "Bug Bug's" (our youngest) cold and man this bites. I have literally had sick kids everyday since Feb. 28th. We stared off with a fresh batch of Influenza A, which ran about a week and a half for each kiddo, then onto the stomach flu and fever and now onto a cold that has been keeping "Bug Bug" awake at night for the last week. This derange pregnant lady has not had a full night sleep in a full month.... and you wonder why I sounded so ticked earlier.... truely, I am normally mild tempered.... Honest!!!
Oh by the way... side note .... remember I did say rambling pregnant lady....Eddo.....I am sorry to disappoint but I hope that my weak humor will keep you satisfied and if it doesn't this will be the first and final blog of mine you will read.... that's okay.... really.... It is the running joke between Ben and I that I am the humorless person...... So no hard feelings if I am not humorous enough for you. J/k.... I think you will find me hillarious..... (i hope)!!!!!!
To the lady that likes sniffing white out! Will you Share? I sure could use something today! okay maybe not... I do have a baby to think about here.... maybe I just need a vacation... no sickness... no fighting kiddo's.... Peace and quiet!!!! IS there such a place????
Anyways... jumping to another subject... Jake was asking what we are going to have for dinner today and I said turkey.... his response... not agian.... so here's the story behind this.....
When you think you are going to be serving about 20 people on Easter.... You buy a big bird.... a 20 lb bird to be exact.... but when you only have your small family and 1 other person.... that's alot of turkey left....and I think I have about turkeyed my son out.... it was great though.... we had turkey, homemade divine potatoes, homemade rolls, homemade apple crisp, gravy and homemade stuffing..... UMMM... makes your mouth water doesn't it..... so anyways.... if anyone wants to take pity on my son and send a good casserole that calls for turkey I am sure he would appreciate it... the funny thing is I still have a huge bag of it in the freezer.. we are just trying to finish what is left in the fridge!!!!
Anyways.... I should run.... bug bug... is bawling beside me.... and I can't take it much longer.... besides she's wiping green snot on my leg... mmm...I am going to go eat a homemade cinnamon roll that Kenzie and I whipped up. Now if I had a starbuck's turtle mocha with that..... I think it would be even better than having whiteout to sniff!!!!
Signing off
P.s. I was able to brush my teeth before 3 this afternoon.... YAAAAAA!!!! you have to appreciate the small things at this stage of parenting!!!
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