Monday, April 04, 2005

What comes after the wiping of poopie butts?????

Today I just decide to heck with it I am going to actually sit down and do something besides take care of sick kids and clean my house! So Here I am.!!! Besides I thought my husband would die when he saw that I was actually on-line again.... (You Okay Honey?) said in a quiet loving voice.

By the way I will get to the topic I was going to write about.... hence the title of this blog in just a min. First... as you all probably read from Ben's blog we are still sick... I still have a head cold and everytime I blow my nose my ears actually squeak and hurt... it's awful... but.... NOT NEARLY like having LUMPS on your neck as Jakers would put it. He is doing better. Still running a fever but the swelling in his lymphnodes are going down. PRAISE GOD!.... We were heading to bed the other night and Jake turns around on the steps and says, "Mom, will you and dad please pray that I will get better!" AHHH... Like what parent would say no.... love it.!! By the way we did Pray and are continuing to pray that we all get well....

Back to the title......
My question to everyone who should choose to read this blog is as follows. "What is your dream occupation?" Are you in it? And what's stopping you?

Here's the deal.....after wiping butts and snotty noses I will probably pursue something outside the house. Not right away I want to be available to go get my kids if they are sick at school and go to all their games and speech meets or whatever they should choose to participate in. Thus.... probably not right away. I have had 4 years of college education and absolutely no degree because every degree I tried stunk! THere was no way I was doing any major I had tried those four long years for the rest of my life!.....Then about 2 years ago it hit me..... writing! I have always been seen in my whole 2 posts... snicker snicker..... and I started writing some childrens stories..... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! But..... huge rejection factor when it comes to submitting your manuscripts...... it's hard when you think something is great and get a YOU SUCK! Besides your cover letter must be perfect or they will not even look at your story. I THINK this would be my dream. Creating silly stories for children with good messages that make you laugh. My first series... (IN MY DREAMS) is a series of 4 books that deal with a parent interacting with the child while reading the book and laughing together. The first one is called... The tickle bug. He is a hungry bug that snacks on childrens giggles for lunch and during the book the parent tickles the child so the bug can eat.... the ending is as follows...

I tickle my way down to your feet,
the giggles here are extra sweet.

Lunch with you is so much fun,
I'm sad to say that I must run.

You must not worry, for I'll be back,
You happen to be my favorite snack!

So you get the jest of it anyways. The second one in the series that is ready, (or I guess you would call it ready) is "A Hug for Snugs" and it talks about a bug that just wants to know which hug is best and he tries hugging all these crazy things like a fly, fish and earthworm etc. until he is so discouraged that he thinks the perfect hug will never be found. THen he rushs home and hug his mom and dad and finds this is the best hug and the last line reads as follows:

Now it's your turn to give hugging a try,
Hug someone you know and love nearby.

Sappy I know... but hey.....

So this is my dream.... write fun childrens books and get them published.... what's stopping me? Probably myself.... hard to put yourself into a world that you know absolutly nothing about!
But hey I AM one day going to pursue this...

Well its time to snap out of dream world and go finish making the beds and get some "homemade Spaghetti" started .... (That was for you Katie... just in case you read this.... and yes it doesn't say Rague on the can!!! he he he....)

Signing off Sydney...

P.s. to EDDO Tomarrow I get to have my first exam of my pregnancy. Would you care to know all the fun things they get to do to me? (Can you handle it!!!) :)


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