Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am a little tired today...

I was awoken by Sydney at about 4:23 in the morning... she said she thought she heard something "scamper" acrossed the floor in the kids room. So, I tried to get her to discribe in great detail at 4:23 in the morning "What the scampering sounded like." Our conversation went like this:

Sydney: "Ben!" *nudge, nudge*

Ben: "Wha!? Huh?"

Sydney: "I think I just heard something "scamper" across the floor upstairs."

Ben: "Scamper? What did this Scamper sound like?"

Sydney: "I am not sure... it sounded like it was raining on our roof... but the kids room is above us... and I heard it in the living room above my head when I went to see if it was raining."

*Listening* ...Silence...

Ben: "I don't hear anything."

Sydney: "I heard it! It woke me up it was so loud."

Ben: "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?"

Sydney: " I told you I heard it in the living room above my head as well. ....Ben?" *nudge!*

Ben: "Wha?! Huh? ... um... did you check to see if there was anything 'scampering' up there?"

Sydney: "No. I am too chicken."

Ben: "Could be a bat... think it could be a bat?"

Sydney: "It might be... but it was more like a scurry."

Ben: "A scurry? What did the scurry sound like?"

Sydney: "Like something running acrossed the floor... CAN YOU GO CHECK?"

I don' t know why... but for some reason, I found myself "scampering" out of bed and "scurrying" up the stairs. Are you sure it wasn't me you heard Sydney? I still think you were dreaming.


Blogger Katie said...

ahem, not being married and all, but wouldn't it have been easier and faster to just go upstairs and check on the sound in the first place instead of asking questions? wasn't that what syd wanted?

Hee hee, obvious questions from the single girl here.

12:36 PM

Blogger Aim Claim said...

that is funny... I always wake up hearing things, and then I can't go back to sleep because I am working so hard at hearing them and imagining what they could be.

12:55 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

oh, now this one will give me something to add to my "Marry Me" section. I will always go check on things that go bump in the night without having to be begged and hounded.

I think Ben was a little scared and that is why he didn't go and check sooner. :)

1:05 PM

Blogger Eddo said...


I just saw your comment over on AM. You got me back, but those ticks sound painful - especially if they are on your naked parts! OUCH!

1:09 PM

Blogger Jennboree said...

Arguing while half-asleep is a weak attempt at hoping your loved one will doze off into a deep slumber and the issue at hand will become part of the dreams for that night.

Problem is...a woman can snap awake for a full-on argument until the man DOES fix the issue.

We women are soooooo talented :)

2:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard things scamper before. But we have no way to get into the attic. So I just had to lay there, allowing my imagination roam.

2:46 PM

Blogger Jenny said...

I hate it when I hear something in the night and Rob won't get up!!!


4:13 PM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

If the two of you can carry on a detailed conversation like that at 4-something in the morning, you definitely should BOTH get extra points. I don't know that I could be so detailed in explaining a sound when I'm still half-way asleep!

5:13 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

Don't leave us hangin, what was it?? Anything?

My hubby keeps a baseball bat under the bed. Tee hee.

6:44 PM

Blogger Michele said...

It is *so* the husband's job to get up out of bed in the middle of the night to inspect odd noises. Of course I have yet to convince my own husband of this rule. He usually just rolls over and starts snoring again.

8:01 PM

Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

What was with the bat comment anyway? You made it sound like a bat in the kids' room was A-okay or something. And since when do bats scamper? I'm with Sydney on this one...scampering in the middle of the night is cause for alarm. Did you have a plan of action if you went upstairs met the source of the scamper? Did Sydney follow close behind with a baseball bat (so she could bat the bat)?

12:05 AM

Blogger Tim Rice said...

If the scamper was just a light sound, I'd probably say, "Oh, it was probably just a mouse. We'll set traps in the morning." However, if it was more than light scampering, I'd probably check it out like when I was woke up in the middle of the night with a rat in my room back in my teenage years. I woke up my one of my brothers and being farm kids we put on our work shoes and tried to stamp on it. We're weren't having too much luck though and finally Dad heard all the commotion and asked what was going on. We told him and he shot it with his bird rifle. ;)

3:01 PM

Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

I don't wake up for ANYTHING in the middle of the night, much less 4:23 in the morning.

I think Brian is blessed.

6:38 PM


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