It died.
Out with the old:

In with the new:
Yesterday our van died... so we bought a new one. So... it both sucks to be us and it is good to be us both at the same time. We owned our last van outright... so it was old, but it was ours... this new (used) van is very nice and VERY classy, but we don't own it... we have payments.
So... Mixed feelings.
Disclaimer: Neither of the above vehicles are ours. Like the eagle picture, this serves as only a representative of the van we used to have verses the van we just purchaced yesterday... Our old van was a piece of crap and looked much older than the van represented in the first picture. AND I have no idea where that hill is in the picture of the new van.
condolences, congratulations, and thank you for the disclaimer
2:10 PM
Condolences, congratulations and thank you for the disclaimer.
Oh, wait.
Katie already said that.
So! Nice mini-van. That could TOTALLY be a pickup line.
3:00 PM
Sydney is too hot the way she is... now I have purchased a Classy looking minivan and sealed my fate. She is going to get all these hot men trying to pick her up.
I should have purchased her a hoopty.
WAIT! The 4 kids in the back will scare them away... I will be fine.
3:03 PM
Good looking kids though.... um might not chase all those men away after all.....
3:48 PM
um...I am not sure how I feel about that anon comment...
Now the van is nice and hooray for you guys - boo to the bills.
9:34 PM
Congrats! I think.
7:26 AM
After using my super sleuth skillz... I discovered that the aforeposted comment from "anonymous" was SYDNEY!
HA! Classic.
So I am now okay with the anonymous comment.
8:47 AM
BAHAHA Syd that cracks me up!!!!!!!!!
Ok so it is a given that no matter what Sydney drives she's one hot mama!!!
9:34 AM
Very nice site!
12:17 AM
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