Mello Yello, Moutain Dew, Rhubarb and Asparagus

and Mello Yellow...

(Tangent: Remember when Mello Yellow had the TV ads in the 80's which sang: "They call it Mello Yellow...?" That's all that I can remember about the ad... so here I sit approximately 20 years later trying to figure out WHY they call it Mello Yellow. )
ANYWAY... I didn't like Mello Yellow or Mountain Dew until about 2 years ago... Funny that I would go 31 years of my life not liking something and then "suddenly" I like it. And this wasn't a case of never trying it... I remember tasting it when I was younger. I recall shivering and then having the thought, "That's Nasty."
Do Taste buds change as you get older and suddenly you like things? Have your tastes changed? Same thing happened to me with rhubarb. But I think that is because my mom used to cook rhubarb pie by cutting up the stalks and putting them in a pie crust and calling it rhubarb pie... it was nasty because you were chewing on these stalks of rhubarb that were hard and stringy and you felt like you were eating celery pie or something... and when those strings would hit the back of your throat... you would gag... It had a similar affect as eating asparagus stalks that were over cooked or under cooked... I don't know which it was. (I remember sitting at the table being forced to eat my asparagus. Remember the movie "River Runs Through It?" The little kid being forced to sit at the table all afternoon...? Yep that was me.) ANYWAY, I like rhubarb now... I tried it a couple of years ago after Sydney made Rhubarb cake and it was great.
I don't like asparagus but Mello Yellow, Mountain Dew, and Rhubarb... Yeah... those are good.
Also... Why DO they call it Mello Yellow?
I'd always heard Mountain Dew reduces sperm count. That's about all I know of the drink.
Asparagus is wonderful! Grilled is the best.
Yes, your tastebuds apparently change about every 7 years. Not sure when mine will ever accept liver. Hope never!
1:18 PM
I remember drinking Mello Yello every day at camp in jr. high. I must have been on some kind of sugar/caffeine rush. I had one in a meeting about a month ago after I COULD NOT STOP nodding my head. It worked like a charm.
The whole rhubarb/celery thing CRACKED ME UP. I can't imagine how horrible that must have been.
Do y'all have La Madeline's in McMinnesota? Because their strawberry rhubarb jam is pure comfort food to me.
2:10 PM
I like all of those!
I use to hate tomatoes but I like them now
2:31 PM
I hated grits... then I went to college in the deep south... I LOVE THEM NOW... AND SWEET TEA TOO!
3:54 PM
I'm not sure why they call it Mello Yellow, but thanks for getting the song stuck in my head!
Huh, I never knew your taste buds change every 7 years, interesting.
6:14 PM
Before I read the comments, I was also going to say that my grandfather used to say that tastes change every 7 years. I had some changes around 21, so I think maybe I may have some now (now that I'm 28)...
I love asparagus with mayonaise...don't know that drinks or the songs, sorry!!
8:35 PM
I've never heard of MELLO YELLOW, but I'm guessing it must taste similar to MOUNTAIN DEW.
Have you ever had BIG RED? That stuff is nasty. Nas-ty! I have a vivid memory of being hot and thirsty one hot, summer day. My dad went in and bought me a BIG RED at the 7-11 because they were out of Dr. Pepper (and he rationalized that they must be similar sodas because they both came in a red can). I remember opening it and tasting something that smell like already chewed, pink bubble gum.
Needless to say, it did nothing to quench my thirst.
9:55 AM
Ewwww Big Red. Nas-ty. And I used to like it too! I liked cream soda for awhile and then one day I suddenly didn't like it anymore. weird.
The answer to all of this is a Dublin Dr. Pepper. he he.
7:07 AM
Great. Now I have that song in my head. Oh, well, I kind of like it. The song, not the drink. The drink is gross. Or at least, I used to think so. Maybe I should try it again.
"I'm must mad about Saffron, she's just mad about me..."
10:01 AM
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