Monday, May 22, 2006

SexBO, Cinecrap and Showtime...

It was a free preview weekend for all of the movie channels... I can't believe how many sex shows are on these channels. I am not sure how any guy can subscribe to these channels and remain pure... I can honestly say that I did not watch any of these shows, but in the same breath, I only had to fight the temptation for one weekend... AND it was hard. I can't imagine trying to fight the temptation every single evening. During the day, it isn't too bad... I watched War of the Worlds and Oceans 12, as well as a few others that really weren't bad at all, but it is crazy what is shown on these channels from 9 pm on... Saturday night, I was tempted to watch... or maybe not watch, but "catch glimpses" ...but before I got to the movie channels, as I was surfing, my remote "happened" to land on the movie "Ben Hur" that was playing on a regular channel. SUCH a great Charelton Heston movie that depicts the Easter Story. I figured that the Lord was giving me a way out, so I left it on this channel, put the remote down and rolled over and went to sleep.

My heart hurts for Jake and Benji as a result of the temptations they are going to have to deal with throughout their lives... for guys in general really. It used to be, when I was growing up, that the only real temptations out there were dirty magazines. And even then, it wasn't too much of a temptation becuase you would either have to walk up to the counter and purchase one of them, or have them land in your mailbox... For me, the embarassment alone kept me on the straight and narrow. Now, pornography is wide spread on the internent and movie channels... as a guy in this day and age, it is hard to fight the temptations... but if it is this bad now, I can't imagine what it will be like when Jake and Benji are my age.

I pray not only for my sons, but for myself. That we can remain strong, that we will keep our eyes locked on Him, and that the Lord will give us an extra dose of self control. I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that I am tempted EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I have victories, but I also fail at times... But I am praying that as I look to Him on a daily basis that I am able to have the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Goodness and Self Control.

Every day, I pray specifically for Self Control. Not just for me... but for my boys.


Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Ben McMinn, your posts are so honest and real. Your readership so appreciates that about you.

We do not subscribe to those channels for the same reasons. Brian has said that the temptation would be there and he doesn't want the option of it.

It's said that the enemy is crouching at our door. Keeping the door closed is the best way to keep him out.

11:42 AM

Blogger Aim Claim said...

wow... what a REAL struggle. Your honesty is refreshing. Thanks

1:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I watched an episode of Law & Order: SVU that was about child pornography, and it made me so sad to think about kids in this world who are so innocent and sweet and unaware that people are taking advantage of them.

It's just horrible.

1:35 PM

Blogger Josefina said...

Yes, things get progressively more difficult, but I'm sure your boys (and girls) will be just fine, at the end, parents' education is crucial, and they sure have 2 very good ones!!

2:59 PM

Blogger Tim Rice said...

I like the fact that you extend the prayers beyond yourself. Maybe we should extend the prayers to the whole church and beyond. Jesus prayed not only for his own apostles but for all who would come to believe in Him.

I don't suscribe to cable at all in part due to my wanting to avoid avoidable temptations. Yet one can't extend that too far without also forfeiting much potential for good such as with the Internet.

4:45 PM

Blogger steve said...

Great post for men Ben!

5:19 PM

Blogger Jennboree said...

With the sexual undertone in just about every genre of entertainment now, boys as well as girls are tempted in ways they might never have thought of otherwise.

Parental guidance is more crucial than ever and I have no doubt you and Sydney will do your very best with your children.

7:38 PM

Blogger Charlyn said...

It's good that you are aware and open about the temptation. Having someone to keep you accountable is great too.

Satan wants nothing more then to ruin us. Stay strong!

10:07 PM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

The temptations certainly ARE everywhere. It's frustrating. I simply typed "milk" in google to help my son do a science project (when he was in 1st grade) and hit a deceiving link. The link for 'milk' somehow had pictures of naked ladies on it instead...and she was NOT supplying milk. I was so embarrassed (he was too). I had to make him turn away every time I tried a new link after that. Talk about an education...I'll be joining you in that prayer!

5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband says the same thing. He also prays a similar prayer over our sons daily. Its amazing the way the enemey tries to creep into our lives.

11:39 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

here, here. (or is it hear, hear?)

anyway - i agree! prayer is sometimes our only weapon, but it is a strong one!

12:36 PM


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