Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What' up Doc?

As you know from reading yesterday's blog that, today was the day for my first OB/GYN appointment. Ben was actually able to stay home from work today so that I could go. What bliss. I am driving down the highway and what's that..... SILENCE! ABSOLUTE SILENCE! it was the most beautiful thing I have heard in months..... (sigh) It brought a tear to my eye.....

Now for those of you who are visiting this site for the first time.... I normally don't share this with everyone... but I have a dear friend that shared his ummm.... let's see ..... less than comfortable visit with the doc that left him feeling a little violated!.... I wanted him to realize that life could be worse and asked if he wanted to know what a womens visit entailed. His words word....."BRING IT ON" . So if you are squimish...hoping to have kids some day and don't like being prodded. DON'T READ ANY FURTHER!

This is for you EDDO! May this prepare you for when you are married and expecting wee ones yourself.
It begins at the register desk with they would like you to go to the lab first. So I go to the lab where they draw 4 I repeat 4 viles of blood. After they are done sucking me dry, I get to go to the room where I will be examined. The nurse checks the blood pressure... no big deal, then tells me to take off all my clothes put the wonderful hospital gown on with the opening to the front and put this lovely and comfortable paper sheet over my lap. I sit in the cold environment, my feet getting colder by the min, when 10 min later the doc arrives. We chit chat, asks about any concerns.... umm other than they plan to stick a cathiter up me for a pure urine sample.... no... I'm good. Laying back with arms over the head.... I get to have my chest (Jr. high Version) kneaded to make sure that there are no problems.... eveything fine there.... then I get to scoot my rear to the end of the table put my feet in the stirups and what for the dreaded CATHITER! When that lovely experience is through it is time for the metal tool that they insert into my (PRIVATES) and use is to open me up further so they can take a swab. Then we get to have the doc, use their hand to make sure everything feels okay in your privates.... Next I get the okay to close my legs and are told that... a little bleeding is normal after this exam and not to worry.

I will say the next part I love. I got to hear the heartbeat. Awesome... God is so cool!!!! 160 beats and min. and sounding healthy!!!!

Finally I can dress, and at this time I also got my ears and throat looked at and found out that I do have an infection and that I will need to go on an antiboitic! At least I should be feeling better soon. If this doesn't seem somewhat intrusive... then I can share the story of when Jake was born..... Lets just say my husband who is a hunter was huddled in the corner of the delivery room, while I was having some issues literally saying uh.... Gross!.....(by the way the packers viking football game was also on.) Go PACKERS!

Anyways... grossness... sorry if I shared to much for some of you.... childbirth is a great thing but not always a comfortable experience....

anyways... signing off for now


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