I just thought you should all know...

This last week, I figured out how to knock a barn swallow's nest down from the peak of one of our outbuildings. The nest was approxiametly 25 feet above my head. Barn Swallows are my Nemisis. I hate them. They swoop down on me like Japanese kamikaze pilots. I swear they are out to get me.
I am glad that my two master's degrees are useful for something... because I haven't really used them yet. The sad part about it is that I don't really think I needed two master's degrees to complete the task of knocking down a bird's nest... but humor me. I need to think that those 4 years weren't a complete waste of my time.

Okay, I haven't really declared war on them...
maybe I have... but I am not an evil man... Although, I am in favor of the eradication of an entire species of birds...
I am on a mission to eliminate the Barn Swallows. ...and Grackles. Grackles are the enemy too. (I am fighting on two fronts.)
Do you still love me internet?
bird killer
9:26 AM
Wait a sec. Your "outbuilding"? Like, an outhouse?
Like, Minnesota'ns don't have indoor plumbing yet?
Gosh. I'm not sure how to reconcile myself to this fact.
12:22 PM
Are you for real? Ah... Outbuilding... as in one of the barns, sheds or shops on the yard.
We have indoor plumbing... we would freeze our tail feathers (among other things) off in the winter if we were using outhouses.
Crazy girl.
1:03 PM
How could that itty bitty cutie intimidate you so??
3:12 PM
ahahaha the pic of Mussolini reminds me of the Frou on Austin Powers when she screams, "What do you WANNNNNNNNNTTT?!"
Too funny.
3:59 PM
That's okay, my husband has declared war on the squirrels here in SC. A couple tore the tarp off our kid's fort/playset and we had one partially pull down the siding on our house and make a cozy little home up there. My S-I-L, her husband, and I all watched as the little fellow literally scoffed at my husband with his chattery laughter as Scott tried to scare (and drown) him away. "Hell hath no fury like a man scorned by an animal!"
7:05 PM
Oh. Then why didn't you just say "shed" or "barn"?
Much easier to reconcile myself to a barn than the thought of outdoor plumbing. ;)
10:36 AM
Yeah.... bird killer
11:48 AM
So your mind has gone to the birds eh?
3:15 PM
oh, hey, here you are speaking of those two unused degrees - move to Texas and you will make more money with those degrees!!! Man, if I had 2 Master's degrees then I would be making about 10,000 more a year...
4:07 PM
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