Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Crazy month.

Well it has been a crazy month and busier than all get out...

It started with me being hired as the head cross country coach for a local high school... so now I am known as "Coach" to some... My back ground in high school was cross country and now that I am back into distance running, I figured I would apply for an open position... and what do you know? I got the job. So now I have to figure out how to coach again... but it is coming back to me.

My Marathon went well. My goal was 3:30 minutes and I ran it in 3:27. So that was exciting. Not too shabby for my first marathon. I competed on a team from the University and we won the College Cup as well. I just got a HUGE trophy as a result. If I was a drinking man, I would totally fill it with beer and drink out of it... but I am not... so it is a moot point. HUGE Trophy.

I have an application in at another State Univeristy for a similar position. I am applying for it with the intent (if I get offered the position) to let my current school try and keep me here... but who knows... I may end up at a different school shortly. If I am offered the job... it will give me a lot to think about. That is for sure.

Just got back from a week of vacation... we didn't go to a lake cabin like we have the last couple of years, but my family got together at my folks' place for the week and we had a good time there. Much fun was had by all.

That's about it for now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will keep you all in my prayers. Who knows what will happen? Possibly something fantastic.

8:28 PM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

I think you will make an excellent coach and I'm praying for ya on the job situation. It will work out for the best either way because God is in control. :)

11:09 PM

Blogger Eddo said...

Hey Coach! That is cool. Running, coaching... I'm getting a little envious.

A. I can't run because I have a heel spur the size of texas. It kills me when I play Ultimate Frisbee, but you learn to live with the pain.

B. I always thought it would be fun to coach, but I'm more of a dancer than a sports coach. I guess I could be a dance coach.

9:55 AM


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