...the innocent little girl we know as Bug Bug. This morning Bug wakes up and crawls onto the couch and says, "Share Blanket Jake?" Jake, being the nice big brother that he is says, "Sure Bug... " She proceeds to snuggle with him and says, "I wuv you Jake."
...Jake jumps off the couch to put a DVD in and when he comes back she says,
"Get your own blanket Jake."
How funny is THAT? Suckered her brother out of his own blanket.
smart little cookie there
and cute
and crafty
and what every little sister should be
11:57 AM
Wow! She's good! She played that one JUST RIGHT.
Yup...her poor future husband is in for it! But I guess you don't have to worry about that for another 30 years or so, right? ;)
12:39 PM
Awwww...poor Jake. Did he actually do it?
1:28 PM
Hey, girls know what they want and how to get it.
Poor Jake. Did he oblige? He better learn to do that now.
4:33 PM
7:37 AM
OMG!! That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!!!
10:09 AM
She sounds just like my daughter Annelise. Too cute!
11:19 AM
Poor Jake. Why does the good guy lose? I hope he's a good sport.
3:14 PM
TOO funny! Kids are so great!
6:41 PM
So can you post about the fight next?
There is no way that didnt turn into tears... no possible way
12:24 PM
ha ha. She sounds like she takes after you...
8:00 AM
That's so cute; but the poor brother.
7:49 PM
9:53 PM
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