The Many Faces of Jes...
Jes! (I'm just saying.)
Anyway, I met my friend Jes through our blogs and I have always been intrigued by her mind... her thoughts... the way that she writes and lets us peak into that mind of hers. She makes me laugh. And anyone who makes you laugh is fun to be around. She is an introspective, humorous person and I have enjoyed getting to know her. The following are several of the many faces of Jes that I have gotten the pleasure to know.

This is the "introspective, contemptating life" face... that or it is her "looking at a jelly fish deciding whether or not to step on it" face.
This is the "Everyday, ordinary, 'Hey everybody, I'm Jes!'" face. I love this face... Pleasant smile, confident, and loving life. The face of a friend who would welcome you whenever you see her.

...Okay, maybe that last one wasn't Jes... but the point is, she has many faces... and I like all of them... they fit her well and they make up the person whom her friends have come to know and love. There are other faces to Jes, I am sure... Sad and depressed are a couple. I am sure there is one that is not so confident... everyone has those faces. But I must say that it has been fun to get to know all of them...
AND I am blessed to be able to call her my friend. How is it that I can call her this?? Well, because this WONDERFUL person that we all know as "Jes" (JES! ... I'm just sayin'...) sent Sydney and I a care package of Wasabi peas and Dublin Dr. Pepper. How cool is that? Friends come beside you and say, "WHAT?? You have never had Wasabi Peas before? Well I care enough about you to make sure that your mouth is flaming hot and you have to drink a lot of water to put the fire out in your mouth... That's how much I care." Thanks Jes! Although I don't like Dr. Pepper, I did take a small swig of Sydney's and I MUST say that Dublin Dr. Pepper tastes a little better than regular Dr. Pepper! You are the BEST! And Sydney and I Love you because you send us stuff. ;)
Oh... yeah... and your cool personality helps a little too. :)
Awww...what a great dedication to your blog friend!
Jes seems like a wonderful lady!
9:16 AM
Forget what my husband says... I love ya with or without the stuff... though I must say the dulin was good! It didn't take me long to finish them off though I had to fight of the wee ones as they begged for some... I did share they each got a sip!
10:12 AM
jes is amazing and so loving and fun and just all around GREATNESS and I get to be in the same place as her so I get to hear her infectious laugh all the time (well some of the time) but she is wonderful and lovely
10:33 AM
ben and sydney! this entry was so sweet! i love that you took the time to capture all those images. especially one of my famous drawings. i should have signed one and included it in the package. ;)
syd, i'm glad you enjoyed the DDP.
ben, i hope your head didn't explode. did it? it hurts, doesn't it? hint: small portions of wasabi make the pain more manageable.
1:08 PM
Aww - you captured Jes all right. I liked the picture of her in the hat the best too. She looks genuinely happy.
I think it's my turn to send the Dublin next.
1:34 PM
Awww what a sweet tribute to such a fun and amazing gal! I love her blog, and although I've only been reading it for a few months, I think she's pretty awesome!
Rock on, Jes!
4:34 PM
Yeah, I love getting stuff! One day we will all have to have some kind of blog swap thingy. And I like Jes, too:)
6:52 PM
Ha ha. Great post ben. I am a big fan of Jes too.
1:14 AM
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