Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Opportunity Knocks.

Before I begin this post, I must clue some of my new readers into the fact that our names aren’t really “Ben” and “Sydney.” We have chosen these names to ensure a certain level of anonymity. That said, anyone who truly wanted to, could locate us using their brains and a few sleuth skills... But it keeps most of the internet crazies away because internet crazies lack a certain level of intelligence needed to put two and two together... that and it prevents me from being googled by my employers and what not. So with that said, my name in the following email has been changed to protect the innocent... or semi-innocent (is anyone ever completely innocent?) To provide further necessary background information, it should also be stated that I work at one of the highly esteemed educational institutions of Minnesota with international students and, in fact, am in charge of all international student admission for one university in particular. The following is an email that I received yesterday and has not been altered in ANY WAY other than the change in my name. Please read.

“From: che gilbert
To: McMinneasota, Ben
Subject: nice meeting u for the first time.

good day, howz work and other curricuar activities of yours.hi mcminneasota, i guess it might suprise u to have recieve my mail but it should't suprise u for that how people get to know each other.firstly my names are lilian mbuokeh che, am 27years,am an orhpan with two siblims ,my juiour sister and brother.i like education so much but can't afford it .thus that is why i decided to fall inlove with someone who likes education like u mr mcminneasota.i wish we become educationloversfriends.please i will always write to u because i know you can educate me by giving me ideas and advices on how to get along with life.
well i got ur address from one friend and thus decided to write to mr.mcminneasota the assistant director of university of minnesota of canada.well sorry i didn't tell you my country.i am a cameroonian by nature and am fair in complexion and tall.thus mr. mcminneasota am very happy to be ur friend and thus one day i might come overthere. just ur name mcminneasota, i love it. thus i know if we happen to see each other real feeings can passionately take its place.
while u stay blessed i love u in a distance
i care .
reply or call me,this is my contact number 5.--.--.15.
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

So, it is official. I have been propositioned by a Cameroonian woman who is “fair in complexion and tall” no less. What a coincidence! EXACTLY what I have been looking for all my life. I forwarded this on to Sydney just to let her know that she better watch her step because I have “other options.” The other thing that really cracked me up was that I am the assistant director of the University of Minnesota of Canada. HA!

Oh how I wish I had the opportunity to become educationloverfriends with this fine Nubian princess... but *SNAP!* I already married Sydney. Well, at least she can “love me in a distance.” I am also comforted by the fact that “She cares.”

Lilian... if only you would have contacted me sooner... we could have allowed our feelings for each other to become passionate. But... alas... this can never happen. Had we been able to marry, I would have been able to provide for your education for free... It is one the benefits for working for a State University.

Such a sad day for the both of us... *sigh* ...what could have been....


Blogger Katie said...

Funny i just sent an email just like this to the international admissions director of Mexico for a university in Camaroon and described myself as a "American woman who is fait and tall", do you think he will post it on his blog also?

And AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA why can't I ever get emails like this, oh wait I don't think I want emails like this.

2:12 PM

Blogger Katie said...

ugh fair and tall not fait and tall

2:12 PM

Blogger Greg said...

But Katie... "fait and tall" is SO attractive... so much more so than "fair and tall."


2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got this in your work email? Boy. First free vacations, now the love of a Camaroonian.

You're totally The Man.

4:01 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

What is UP with all the wierd posts today? I've been laughing all afternoon!! Hilarious, Ben. Just hilarious.

5:05 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

oh and by the way: my photographer friend? Yeah, she's originally from Camaroon as well. Those Camaroonians: hot mamas! Watch out Syd! hehehe

5:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hahahaa. Oh, you saved me once again. I so needed this laugh right at this moment!!

10:44 PM

Blogger Real Life in South Carolina said...

You make up FAKE NAMES so the internet psycho's can't find you yet this woman from Camaroon seeking a better education (and clearly needing one) was able to track you down? Time to re-think your plan there, buddy!

Alas, The names Ben and Sydney will never be the same for me now that I know the truth!

Which makes me wonder, did you pick out names for eachother? Was it Sydney after Sydney from Alias AND Ben after Ben Affleck?

And I know I'm hogging up your comment space, for which I apologize, but for Sydney...I have some advice by which I live by...have a couple more kids...kids = insurance. Think child support. Once you have so many, they can't afford to leave you for those Camaroonians seeking a better education. ;) Plus, in the process, you get to remind your husband of what a great woman he's already got. ;)

8:38 AM

Blogger Josefina said...

That was really funny!!! I did feel a little sorry for that woman, but maybe it was just a joke...because sometimes her english was pretty lousy, but then she used "good" words...
Anyway, it was very very funny!!!

1:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tall...fit...ok so fit is good but tall may be an issue. *snicker

1:32 PM

Blogger Jenny said...

Oh so your names are Sen and Bydney? That's funny. You really should have put more thought into your aliases.

The email is tooooo funny!!

8:34 PM

Blogger steve said...

Yeah. I started responding to these thinking how funny it was goign to be to mess with spammers...

I now get at least 30 spam emails a day... I win the Lotto 7 times a day

12:02 PM

Blogger Katrina said...

Oh, man! I am laughing so hard I'm going to wake my son up from his nap. (You don't want a cranky three year old on your conscience, do you? Please keep your future posts to only mildly entertaining levels. Thanks.)

Seriously, though, you're not the only one with international connections. I regularly have wealthy foreigners wanting to move large amounts of money into my bank account. You should be so lucky.

6:52 PM

Blogger Tim Rice said...

Ben, you certainly have a way of writing about these things. Sad though that people feel a need to do such things.

3:37 PM


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