Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The plague has decided to rear it's ugly head at our place...

I know, I know... I am slacking at posting... but we have an excuse... the plague has decided to rear it's ugly head at our place... okay, maybe not the plague, but the influenza virus. Same thing... right? Anyway, Jake is just getting over it and Micker Mackers and Bug Bug are just coming down with it. This is the first time Bug has been really sick so she is just figuring out this "getting sick thing" and she is letting us know that she doesn't like it.... Cried all last night... with a couple of breaks that were few and far between... We also have to watch Micker Mackers closely because when she gets sick it always settles in her chest and then turns into Pneumonia. (Why someone ever came up with that spelling for nemonia is beyond me.) Anyway, we brought them into the doctor today and they were given some medicine. So we are a house full of sick o's. Sydney is surviving... feels sick from a cold or the flu, nauseous because of her pregnancy and to top it all off she went to the dentist yesterday and she may need a root canal... the ex-rays weren't positive so she has to wait for a couple of days to see if it is an absessed tooth... if so, she might be able to have some novacaine, but pain killers are out of the question... So on top of taking care of sick kids... she is also worrying about whether she will need a root canal.

Me...? I have a cold... I have been fighting off this cold for the last week and it feels like it is getting worse... so who knows... maybe I am on my way down... but I am not complaining. Especially in light of what Sydney is dealing with... besides that, I am sure she would "shoot me" if I even remotely whimpered.



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