Monday, February 14, 2005

Prom, Pickles and a Pregnant Wife... not a good mix.

So, I suppose you are wondering about prom? All sitting on the edge of your seats... Well, it was great. It started out with a formal dinner with some fun conversations. It was planned that we had to share how the women were proposed to and also our wedding/honeymoon bloopers. Each person voted whose stories they thought were the best and whoever got the most votes won a prize. Syd and I won the prize for the bloopers on the honeymoon... enough said.

We also voted for Prom King and Queen according to what couple the group felt was the most deserving in terms of being romantic to each other last year. There was this new couple that has recently moved into the area that were invited to the Prom by another couple that were voted King and Queen. Their names were David and Fonda. (Really fun couple.) After we voted... and they won... David informed us that Fonda grew up in a really conservative family that weren't allowed to dance or date outside their church.... (he described it as kind of like a Mennonite or Amish community... aparently, a really eccentric situation.) Well he shared that she was never allowed to go to prom... so it was really special for her to be voted queen... that's pretty cool... nobody should have to miss out on prom in my book. That's just wrong. We also had a chance to "renew" our Vows in front of each other. That was a highlight to the night as well. Why Sydney ever married a guy like me, I will never know... Guy's always tend to "marry up" in life. I sure did. (Side Story - My Dad has prayed for me everyday ever since I can remember... as a result I am a strong believer in the power of prayer... Sydney and I met about 8 years before we got married... My folks introduced us... My Dad, really thought that we would make a good couple and that Sydney was perfect for me... so on his prayer list he had my name/future wife with the name "Sydney" in parenthesis for 7 years.... 7 years later, Sydney tracked me down... Syd and I joke that the only reason the Lord gave me such a special girl is because He was sick of listening to my Dad.... "Fine! Fine! ...he doesn't deserve her... but I am sick of listening to you!")

Anyway, back to our night: Sydney was by far the most beautiful young woman out on the dance floor. She had that "Spunky-Sexy" thing going on and Sydney and I can do a mean jitter bug. We were one of the first couples out on the dance floor and one of the last ones to leave. Had a great time... except I kept eating pickles with cream cheese and ham wrapped around them. With Syd's extra sensitive pregnant nose... she was getting sick from smelling my breath. (Unfortunately, I didn't think about it until it was too late.) Nothing sexier than a husband with pickle breath. Anyway, over all, it was a fun night. By the time we got home, we were exhausted and Sydney realized that 28 isn't as young as she thought it was... When she crawled into bed, her back was pretty sore... So I rubbed it for a brief moment and then we cuddled a bit. One interesting fact about me is that when I crawl into bed, I can be out in moments... especially if I am tired. It's a gift. It never takes me more than about 30 seconds to a minute to fall asleep each night....

The night ended with me snoring "sweet nothings" into Sydney's ear.... (I am sure there were a couple jabs to my ribs to stop me from snoring as well.)

Romantic none-the-less. :)



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