Friday, April 29, 2005

Women vs Men

Hello everybody out there

My husband told me that the one thing I had to do today was blog because he was not going to have access to a computer all day. Well he is due home in about 20 min and lets just say that I haven't completed that task yet so here you go... this is the best I could do in a "YOU MUST" blog situation.

Here's the deal.... I am thinking constantly. As I am doing the dishes I am thinking about what how many mins are left before the laundry is dry and which color load I will throw in next, What should I make for supper, (in the time frame I have left) etc.... and these are all happening at the same time. I am constantly processing and thinking... I can be watching a television show... listening to someone else speak and be thinking about what I have to do tomarrow.... I will also admit that even during whoopie I can be thinking about what needs to be done the next day and yet be throughly enjoying myself. Am I a freak or are there others out there like me... I have a hard time falling asleep at night because I am processing what happened that day and what will be happening tomarrow.

Men..... Is this the same for you? Or are you washing dishes therefore... I AM WASHING DISHES and not much else in going through your mind.... Television.... are you thinking of other things or just vegging out because honestly... I sincerely think my husband operates in a way that he thinks about what he is doing until that task is done and nothing else comes inor can interrupt until that task is completed! I am not male bashing here. WE ARE DIFFERENT but I wanted to know if it is just my hubby and just ME (that can't stop the thoughts) or if this is an general thing for most women and men.

Hey let me know!


Thursday, April 28, 2005

People, What's the deal??

I think I need to lower my expectations... 4 measley comments on my "Locust" post... (INCLUDING myself.) It could have been as simple as: I hate bugs... or SOMETHING... but nothing. (Except Katie and Jes... thanks girls! I truely feel the love.) People, it is ALL about the comments. *breaks into song*

I know you wanna leave me,
But I refuse to let you go
If I have to beg...
plead... for your sympathy...
I don't mind because you mean that much to me...

Ain't to proud to beg... sweet bloggers...
please don't leave me guys don't you go...
Ain't to proud to PLEEEAD for your comments
Please don't leave me don't you go.

... I know, pretty pathetic... but then so are 4 miserable comments...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Help!!!!!! Uncontrollable Urges!!!!!

AHHH..... (I cry out in agony)

I - have - to - cut - it... I have too..... Where's the phone..... (Said in a frantic, pleading voice)

Shuffling through the yellow pages, hands shaking I look under beauty salons..... With trembling fingers I pick up the phone and begin to dial........ (Ring, ring).... "Hello," "Great Looks Beauty Salon how may I help you....." In a raspy voice I answer..... "Yes"...." is there ANYONE available to do a hair cut.... "

"Let me see"....The irritatingly peppy receptionist replies ........"We can get you in next Friday with Helga." "Would you like me to write you in....?”


But using every once of self control I have left I politely say no and hang up the phone..... As soon as it hits the base, I fall to my knees, with my hands cradling my head of hair, I cry out "NOOOOOOO, I MUST HAVE A HAIR CUT NOW!" Desperation now setting in and I call every number to every beauty salon within a 40 mile radius....Nothing!!!! Nobody is available to take me out of my misery.... last resort I call COST CUTTERS....... and the line is busy......

Exhausted I drop unto the couch, a lightly begin to whimper...... exhausted from my search the urge slightly weakens and the feeling of hopelessness begins to set in!......

This urge to cut my hair comes and it eats at me until I do the deed and then I hate the hair cut about 3 days after receive it..... Of course everyone says ..."oh... it looks great" But I can't just sort of cut my hair I go ALL THE WAY....... I wish I could be content..... but I feel like I have a mop on my head this thick mass that hangs in my face, suffocating the joy and spunkiness I wish to be feeling..... I want to be spontaneous..... Give me something cool.... I want to look hip not like some mother with long hair in a pony tail.....

So my question to you is what uncontrollable urges hit you???? Is it that bag of cookies that is crying out to you to eat them? Is it the need to rearrange your furniture until you have a new cool style and who care if it takes you six hours and the kids are beating on each other and your suppose to be fixing dinner, you need it changed now? (Okay so I struggle with the furniture one). What is it that you seem you can't control until you have finished it or done the deed even if you regret it afterwards...... Mine I would say is the need for change or spontaneity... whether it is my hair, changing around the furniture, or painting a room a totally different color. With out change I wither and die....

Today I am at a crucial point... and I am begging for guidance. Do I cut..... or don't I cut!.....
Feel free to share your uncontrollable urges as well.


Don't forget to read Ben's Post below. (We both posted today...)

It's all about the bugs people... at least as a 7 year old.

The Locust are gone...

Whew... thank goodness all of America cooperated and turned their power off.

I finally got around to watching the CBS Sunday Night Movie "Locust". I had Tivo record it because I thought it would be like one of those movies when I was growing up such as Damnation Alley where all theses cockroaches ate all the people of Salt Lake City... (I know it was about Nuclear Devastation... but all I remember is the man-eating cockroaches) or then there was the one where venomous trantulas were imported from Columbia in sacks of coffee and attacked a city and pretty much covered the town in one big web... I can't remember if this was the movie "Kingdom of the Spiders" or if it was another CBS Sunday Night Movie called Tarantulas... (All I know is that I was in some hotel/motel, like a Holiday Inn or Best Western, on vacation with my parents when I was about 7 or 8, and sleeping with my Brother and Sister in one Queen sized bed, while my parents were in the other bed watching this movie on tv, and I kept peeking out from under the covers watching it because it was past our bed time... finally, my mom gave up chastising us for watching it and let us sit up and watch the end of the movie... she even made us some popcorn... Thanks Mom!)

ANYWAY, when I saw the movie title "LOCUST"... it brought back these visions of cool movies from my childhood and I was excited. Well, maybe it is my age that has spoiled these Sci Fi movies... cause it wasn't very good. But, I bet if I went back and watched those other movies again, they wouldn't be very good either... but in my mind at least... they were much better.

I mean... what are the chances that you are going to kill legions of genetically altered Locust by turning off your power so you can create a giant bug zapper. Furthermore, I am a little skeptical... did you kill all of them? I mean, it only started with 6 of the little critters getting loose and then with the gestation period of something like 3 days... there were "Hundreds of Millions" of Locust about to eat 1/3 of the world's food supply. If you didn't zap every single one of them... wouldn't this Apocalyptic epidemic just happen all over again in a week and then America would have to turn its lights off to zap them again? Also, there is nothing like a giant Locust Plague to solve all the problems in your marriage... "I sure am glad we had that Locust Plague so we could become closer and love each other again." And of course the scientist who genetically altered the locust learned his lesson as a result of his daughter almost dying and in proper fashion then gives up his life because... this was something he needed to do to somehow "calm the storm within..."

Of course the typical hidden theme in the movie was: "evil scientists" who are genetically altering things need to quit because if you don't we will have some mass epidemic that has no solution and humanity as we know it will no longer exist. It follows similar themes of Nuclear War is bad and Pesticides are bad... and although I am not advocating for Nuclear war... I am not so sure I care about the pesticides as long as I have food in front of me and it is edible. If it's not necessarily organic, I am fine with that. My only question is this: If all the evil scientists repented of their evil ways... what kind of movies would we watch? Oh the dilemma!

If I only was 7 again. I am sure it would have been a great movie.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

If you're not married... this is what you have to look forward to...

At the end of a rough day... there is nothing like coming home to your best friend. Talking for a while... laying out your insecurities and shortfalls... and then patting him on the head and saying, "Good Dog Buddy."

Just Kidding! I came home last night and my best friend, Sydney, was there. I can't tell you how comforting that is. It is great knowing that you have made the right choice in life. Sydney, even if I had to go through all the nervousness and the cold feet and everything else I went through on and before our wedding day... I would do it all again... without thinking twice. You are exactly what I needed to make it through the highs and lows... In short, you are the perfect partner for me.

We ended the day by climbing into bed and holding hands as we drifted off to sleep. The world could come crashing down around us. But I can handle anything with her hand in mine.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Mondays Suck.

Yep. That about covers it.

Somebody... Please... tell me a joke to make me laugh.

Perspective is necessary today.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I figured out the perfect job.

I just ate a peanut M&M with no peanut in it!

Where is the quality control MasterFoodsUSA??? (A Division of Mars, Incorporated)

After I just finished writing that... the following thought just crossed my mind:
How DOES one check to see if there is a peanut inside of each peanut M&M?? (Okay... okay... you're off the hook this time... but I'm watchin' you.)

I want the job of quality control for Peanut M&M production... all I would have to say is:
"How was I supposed to know there was no peanut in there?" Followed up with a quick, "Now go away... can't you see I am blogging here??"

Which leads me to next question: How does one become a peanut M&M quality control specialist??

Don't forget to comment on Sydney's Post just below this one! ;)

My daughter's wisdom.......

Oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY!!!!

I am scrubbing the bathroom when my daughter comes running in yelling.... "I gotta go POTTY, I gotta go POTTTYYYY! So she jumps on the toliet and as I am leaning over cleaning all the toys out of the tub.... she imparts this wisdom upon me....

"Mom, Boys and Dad's are richer that girls, becuase boys and dad's have 'PETERS' (Slang for you know what in our house) and butt's but we only have butts. " "What???" I reply, and she tells me again in a slightly exasperated tone "Boys and dad's are richer than girls because boys and dads have 'peters' and butts and we only have butts." Well I am going to set her straight so I tell her that richer means that you have more money, or more joy, or more of something. She looks at me like "DUH"... and firmly states .... "exactly mom"...." they have more than us."

I must say that I left it at that instead of going into a discussion on how we really have 3 parts and guys only 2 but decided that this was not something I would want my daughter to bring up in Sunday school that Girls... are actually richer than boys....... and EXACTLY HOW AND WHERE THEY WERE RICHER!

Oh my .... What a day.... but to all you guys out there..... in the words of my daughter.... you are richer for the parts that you have!!!!


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Getting to the Crux of the matter...

I am tired today... so very sleepy... muy cansancio... "extremement fatigue`" (said with a slurring french accent because I am so very tired.)


I have no idea why. All I know is that I have been tossing and turning lately at night... Maybe the above is a result of the fact that: I got crowded to one side of the bed last night and I had to wake her up to tell her to "move.over."

Yep. That must be it.

I married a "bed hound." ...Sprawling out all over the place... like a Great Dane on her Master's bed refusing to budge. (Metaphorically speaking.)

But she's a sexy "bed hound".

(Nice Save.) lol.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Update on E-Harmony:

Eddie wrote a month or so ago asking whether E-harmony was E-Heaven or E-Hell... Well... the verdict is in and it is E-Heaven for Sydney's brother Tom... and our soon to be sister-in-law Annie! Tom and Annie are getting married! Rock on. Congrats Tom! Needless to say Sydney and I are thrilled. Exciting news!

Monday, April 18, 2005

We are cool.

We are part of the...

Psychotic in the Bedroom!


Okay, so Ben and I have been gone to a homeschool conference this last weekend and I didn't get to blog while I was gone or before I left and let's just say that I have a blog for everyday for the rest of the week already in my head!... Just wait! They have had time to percilate!!!

It was a rainy dreary day, as they marched the man in the staight jacket into the waiting transfer van. As they load him into the back, he sneered at officer Sydney as she shackles his legs to the steel bench they are riding on the next few hours. Sydney finishes, and takes her spot on the bench with the loaded .38 at her waist. It was going to be a long ride.

All of a sudden, the man in the staight jacket is loose and choking her. Frantically Sydney searches for her gun while swinging her elbow with all her might! CRACK! The Staight Jacket man's head fly's back!

Ouch! That really Hurt! Cries Ben......

Sorry Sydney mumbles.....

Rolls over and goes back to sleep!....

Ben gives me back my wedding ring and almost gets a bloody nose for it! I think he is going to take the ring back and sleep on the couch again.

To this day I think Ben is still a little bitter about me attacking "THE PSYCHO MAN" in our bed...... (Did I ever tell you that I once that of being on FBI agent??) Sometimes it rolls over into my dream life!

Anyways.... you can feel for Ben. I cracked him a good one and he's alive to tell about it!!
One of these days I will share Ben's Dream "THE BEAR" in the next coming days"


Thinking about.... and no we are not crazy...

I have been to the edge... and it was not pretty.

So, we recieved a few questions about where we were on Friday and to be truthful about our disappearance... we went to a Home School Conference. Yes, Sydney and I are contemplating this leap... but before I get ripped a new butt hole about socialization and so on and so forth... let me set the record straight about why we are considering it.

1st... We are not considering home schooling because we wish to shelter our kids from the "evils of society." As I sat in this conference, it was so apparent that about 70% of these strange, strange people had some sort of inferiority complex as a result of something that happened to them in their formative years and now were seeking to keep this same thing from happening to their precious, nerdy, little kids. (I know I sound judgemental here... but trust me when I tell you that I can't count the number of times the hair raised on the back of my neck this weekend.) All these goofy looking adults with their kids wearing home made clothes... I felt like I was in the movie "Footloose" and Ariel's Dad was preaching to me about home schooling (and that people shouldn't listen to Quiet Riot or Dance... or whatever else that might be wrong with the world today.) I seriously felt like I was attending a Conservative Baptist convention on the how we should separate ourselves from the world... (Which is completely unbiblical as we are told, "to be in the world, not of it...") Before any of the conservative Baptist people out there go off on me because I have indicated that you are of a really extreme nature... let me clarify: You Are. I grew up in a conservative Baptist home and my Dad was a Conservative Baptist Pastor... Trust me when I tell you that I understand the denomination and it's doctrine... legalism is not for me... (Okay, now you can go off on me.) Now don't get me wrong, I am all for teaching my kids Christian values... and I understand the importance of it... but come on people! Are you kidding me?? (BTW, what is for me is a personal relationship with Christ and the understanding of God's Grace.) Anyway, let's just say that Sydney and I agree.

Moving on... We are thinking about home schooling because our school is going to implement an all day, every day Kindergarten program that will cost each family $1,500.00 per student. Jake has not learned anything in Kindergarten this year exept to learn how to write his letters. Let me clarify... Jake is not "gifted" or anything else... he is just a regular kid... however, he is the only one in his class that can read. Not short sentences... but books. In kindergarten he has learned what sounds letters make (which he already knew) and they want all the kindergarteners to be able to recognize about 10 words by the end of the year... To put it in simple terms... Jake is bored. AND to top it all off, the first half of first grade will be spent learning how to read... we are worried that Jake will lose interest in school because he isn't learing anything he doesn't already know. Furthermore, there is no way that we are going to pay $1,500 for Micker Mackers to go to kindergarten and try to learn how to read when all it takes is a $10.00 Leap Frog video and a little time.

3rd... We aren not thinking about home schooling because, as some presenter at the conference put it, "You can save so much money by not having to buy your kids designer clothes." *One eyebrow raises* What??

In terms of the socialization factor... Sydney and I have the same concerns... so, if we choose this route... we will definately be aware of this and do everything we can to prevent this... but if you knew Sydney and I... we are a couple of the most social people you would know... or so we have been told. Anyway, to make a very long weekend short, Sydney and I looked over some curriculum and are thinking seriously in this direction.

Now, let's hear the comments.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Married again.

SIDE NOTE: Taking the day off tomorrow... If you want to save this post so you have something to read tomorrow (or over the weekend) when we are gone... stop reading now! Feel free to scroll down and read today's post though... or the one before that... or the archives for that matter.

Note for Katie: We plan ahead... even though we are GONE... we still post.... Just so you don't go through withdrawl. ;)

The crown on Sydney's ring was damaged so she quit wearing it for awhile so we didn't lose the diamond. Of course it has significant sentimental value because, being the romantic that I am, I designed Sydney's ring and had my Brother's Brother-In-Law make it. Now my wedding ring is a different story... Sydney picked it out... but it was always a little loose and about 3 years ago, our Lab, Gunner was digging in the back yard and I went to whoop on him and my ring flew of my finger and into the lake. Never to be found again. Definately not one of my proudest moments...

BUT... we weren't talking about my ring... (thankfully.) Sydney is glad have her ring back... now she won't get asked out by High Schoolers any more... You should see their face turn about 4 shades of red when they ask, "What are you doin' this Friday?" And she responds, "Taking care of my 3 kids..."

Anyway, we are happily married again. Does this mean I can move off the couch? ;)

Funny people have it made... That's why Eddie gets all the girls.

I was reading Genuine's blog this morning and he was wondering why "Adam Sandler got all these leading rolls with hotties..."

My response was as follows:

"Cause he is funny... if you are funny... you get girls... less of course you're funny looking... then you don't get girls... although if you are funny looking and funny... then you may get ugly girls to like you... but not hotties. Now; how I got Sydney is still a mystery." lol

Do you argree... with any or all of the statements... including the title? lol. (And YES I am aware that it says "argree" but I thought it was funny... so I left it. That's why I would have gotten girls when I was growing up... if I wasn't so funny looking that is.) lol.

Why don't you go over to Genuine's site and add your 2 cents...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I've been Wonk'd people... Wonk'd!!

So I am running errands over the noon hour and I after I run these errands, I jump in the drive through at McDonald's... and since drive throughs are never quick over the noon hour... I start gathering up all the garbage that is in the front seat of my car... as I am rummaging through all of the trash, I come across a Nerds candy box... (and I chuckled a bit because of course... Katie has all the nerd cards.) But then I see it on the front of the cover:

"Over a Million Prizes!"

Could it be that I could have won something from Jake's Nerds Box and was about to throw it away? So I examine the box thinking to myself, "nobody ever wins on these things..." My skepticism creeps up as I look at the back of the box and see an 8 digit computer generated code on the back and I think: "Sure, you have to log on to some website to see if you won... but before you can do that... you have to give them all of your personal information and basically sell your identity to find out if you won... and you didn't... but you gave them all that information anyway... and then about a few weeks later, you get no less than a million calls from telemarketers because your enrollment on this website has somehow pre-empted your call to the national do-not-call list and you unknowingly signed back up all because you were curious to see if you had won." (Yes, I did think all of that.)

But then: I glance through the two holes at the top of the box and I see writing... Hmmmm.... *one eyebrow raised* (more skepticism) rules and regulations that state that the game is valid in all 50 states including Puerto Rico and Guam... EXCEPT Minnesota no doubt...

And then I see it: YOU'VE BEEN WONK'd !


What did I win??? Second Prize Winner!!! AND the company is in of ALL places MINNESOTA! HOORAYY! Not Canada or Texas... But Minnesota! I am so rich! I never have to work another day in my life again! Wait. If first place is a Million Dollars then Second place must be $500,000! So I scour the box and piece together the torn package to find out that I won:



A MEASLEY one dollar and 10 cents.

I feel like Ralphy in the "Christmas Story" when his Annie Decoder decodes a message that says"don't forget to drink your ovaltine."
To pour salt on the wound... I only had until 4/8/05 to claim my prize.

All I can say is that I am both crushed and grateful at the same time. Crushed that I can't claim my $1.10 and Grateful that I didn't win the Grand Prize... That.would.have.sucked.

I've been Wonk'd alright.

Hard thoughts.

One of the keys to blogging is keepin' it real.

I will just say this:

It's no fun when a best friend is struggling with depression... I don't understand it, but it's real. And of course, all I can do is listen... hard not to be able to help fix things. But I am not going anywhere... that's what being a close friend is all about.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I should do a thesis on this...

For those of you who have been following MiM, you know that I am currently finishing my Master's in Business Administration... So, like most master's students, I am knee deep in research...

After extensive research on the subject...
My conclusion is: Texans.are. funny.

Is the statistical significance great enough to reject the null hypothesis?

Here is the proof people!

I wonder if there is Master's in Laughology? (...a Master's of Science in Laughology if you will.) It's gotta be more valuable then say... an MBA... Definately more marketable... People will hire you if you are funny. Although, the more I think about it... the more I don't want an MSL... it would be like people assuming that you know every minute fact of history because your undergraduate degree was in history... Trying to be funny on demand is probably no fun at all... it would be work. Then I would be like Katie... under a stack of paperwork pertaining to being funny. It would bite. Scratch that idea.

Texans are funny though.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Quilting Hangover and Ramblings...

It's monday again.....

Well I think I am having a quilting hangover today...... To much of a good thing can getcha!! It was a fun weekend, but to many late nights. I think my mom and my aunt never went to bed before 3 a.m. and for myself because of the pregnancy and still fighting whatever infection that I have, I was done usually between 12 midnight and 1 a.m.. So today I was TOTALLY DRAGGING! But it was good. I did accomplish to almost finish a tree skirt for this next christmas for our christmas tree, our last one was a hand me down and talk about BUTT UGLY!! I have to put the chenile on and quilt it but then it should be about done. Then I worked on Mic Mac's quilt. I am so excited! It is going to be so cool and it is so her with the butterflies all over it and these really bright whirligigs. If I get it together soon, I will have to post it because it is adorable! I seriously spent 7 hours or more cutting the material but I am almost done so then I can start the sewing! This weekend was great for the kids... Dad took them to the park to play, and they got to help mow the lawn. (It's cool at their age to be on the riding lawn mower!) Then my mom, aunt and I went into town and ate supper together with NO KIDS! By the time I got home Ben had bathed the kiddo's, fed them and had the ready for bed. What a TREAT! He was such a sweet guy and the kids loved it! So did mom! There are certain benefits that come when a husband gives the wife a break! WINK WINK ... :)
Anyways... over all a great weekend....
I also listed below a little insight into my head on what I think being a mother is all about... it is an article that I wrote while struggling to feel like staying at home was and should really be considered work like that of working outside the home. (By the way... NO, it's never seen the light of day beyond whoever chooses to read this is so please be kind! :) ) When you don't earn an income off your job, it's hard to feel like you fit in in society, but..... HUGE BUT HERE, I honestly feel that those of us called to be mothers there is no greater job or higher calling than that of being a parent. It is tough but also incredibly rewarding...... I would also like to preface the article by saying that it is written from the perspective of staying at home and I realize that there are many mothers that don't get to stay home or choose not too. I couldn't imagine how much more challenging that would be so please don't be offended it was just written from a stay at home perspective.
So if you choose you can read on and if not.... hey no problem.... it's always fun to see what people receive from a written piece. Hopefully you will see some of the humor and seriousness I wrote about but also be encourage if you are a mother to keep on keeping on because the kids are worth it!!!

Mothers: The Ultimate Survivors With the children in bed, I dropped exhausted onto my couch sinking into its well worn cushions. Taking a few deep breaths I started to unwind from my hectic day. Picking up the television remote, I began flipping through a multitude of channels looking for an interesting show to watch. Coming across the show “Survivor”, I stopped and watched as contestants from two different tribes (teams) strived to finish a challenge requiring great mental and physical strength. They were desperate to win, for winning meant their tribe won immunity. Winning immunity allowed them to stay on the island to compete for the million dollar prize. Watching the contestants struggle to accomplish each obstacle, I started thinking to myself, “What an exciting and challenging thing to do.” Letting my mind wander, I proceeded to imagine how I would conquer the different challenges when I was abruptly brought back to reality by, “MOM, MOMMY, I NEED A DRINK” being half sung, half yelled down the stairs by my 3 year old son. In the background I heard, “I drink too mommy”. Not wanting to miss out on the opportunity of having a drink, my 2 year old daughter made herself heard as well.Dragging my tired body off the couch I went to the stairwell and firmly told them that they did not need a drink, it was past their bedtime, and time to go to sleep! Sitting back down on the couch I heard the wailing begin from two sad, thirsty children. I was thinking to myself, “I wish I was on an island somewhere challenging my physical and mental skills proving that I was an ultimate survivor,” when it hit me: I am a mother and living a real ‘survivor experience’.Being a mother of two, I can relate to the difficulty that stay-at-home mothers face in today’s society. Understanding the importance of our job can prove challenging. I have been a mother for a few short years, and I am only now beginning to understand the full extent of skills I need to make it through each day. The job of motherhood requires us to be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To survive this grueling profession, we learn to step into a multitude of roles each demanding a different set of skills to deal with the situations that arise on a day to day basis. One role we carry early on in the lives of our children is that of teacher. When our children are young, we are teaching them to share, not hit, say “please” and “thank you”, and “excuse me” after they burp. (Despite their father’s influence in this area). As they get older, we teach them how to develop good morals and to take responsibility for their actions. This at times, means allowing them to suffer the consequences of wrong decisions they have made. An extensive part of teaching our children happens through our children watching and then modeling our behavior. Scary thought, is it not? Children have perfected the art of copycatting and will mimic our actions and words, good or bad. Therefore, we need to model the behavior we want them to learn and exhibit. From the time our children are born, we assume the role of doctor. My children seem to always have a cold, ear infections, flu, croup, diaper rash, or a snotty nose. Medical treatments at our house range from the painless healing power of the “mommy kiss”, to the more painful, which includes a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and an Elmo or Bob the Builder band-aid. Fixing bruises and scratches are simple compared to being family psychologist. In most injury situations, we can kiss away the pain, but when emotionally hurt, no quick fix will ease the pain. When in the role of psychologist, we deal with problems ranging from explaining to our children we must flush the beloved “Goldie” the pet gold fish down the toilet, to helping them deal emotionally with the passing of a loved one, such as a grandparent. When our children enter their teen years, psychologist takes a complicated twist. We try, and I mean try, to help them through their feelings about whom they are and what God’s purpose is for their lives.Jumping to the lighter side of motherhood, it seems from the time I wake up in the morning until my kids go to bed; I wear the uniform of referee. Personal and intentional fouls are the most frequently made calls in my home. Time and time again the players from both teams get benched. In between making foul calls on the game floor, we are trying to fill the roles of janitor and maid. As janitor, we tackle projects like cleaning crayon off the wall, lipstick out of blankets, and spilled milk off the floor. As the maid, we tackle the never ending piles of clothes to be washed, dishes to be done, furniture to be dusted, bathrooms to be scrubbed and beds to be made. We wait impatiently for our children to come of the age where they can begin helping with these household tasks, dreaming of how much free time it will bring to our hectic schedule. Do not be fooled, for with the aging of our children, comes the role of mom’s taxi service. While in this stage of the mothering role we wish somebody was paying us a taxi fare so we could be making money on the side. We are constantly driving our children to and from youth group, swimming lessons, piano lessons, 4-H, after school sports, marching band and their best friends’ houses. The list of taxi stops is limitless. On the way back from our last taxi stop, our riders begin asking what we made for supper. As chef, we face the continual challenge of finding meals that require little preparation time and yet fill the bottomless pit of our growing children’s stomachs. You may be asking at this point, “Why was it that I wanted to be a mother?”. “Am I just trying to survive till the days end?” NO! Our main goal in mothering is to raise Godly moral children that love their God, respect their peers, and treat others with consideration. We have the high calling of helping mold our children into what the Lord has created them uniquely to be. One day when talking on the phone with a friend, she reminded me that the most important thing we can do as mothers is to daily be on our knees in prayer for our children. (When on our knees for our children we are also submitting ourselves to the Lord.) For myself, I forget that God wants to give me the strength, wisdom and endurance to make it through my day. By bringing our children before God, we become better mothers, and better equipped to help in the molding of our children’s lives. How easily distracted we are by the daily routines of our job. Cleaning the house and feeding our children are necessary, but should not take precedence over the training of our children. The Lord says in Proverbs 24:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” The training we give our children now, will determine who they will be in the future. What a tremendous responsibility the Lord has entrusted us with.On the show “Survivor”, immunity was your lifeline and key to winning the million dollar prize. When surviving on the island of motherhood, our lifeline is our heavenly father and our key to successfully training our children. Thankfully, unlike the show “Survivor”, we do not need to win our lifeline. God’s wisdom and strength is freely given and available every minute and hour of motherhood. All we need to do is ask.

Anyone else having problems with the comments??

Once again, people are having problems with my site... hmmm... not sure what to do here... I will try and fix them... In the mean time, if you want to comment on my blogger comments, feel free to click on the time it was posted on the bottom of the entry...and then make a comment using blogger. Until I can get this figured out... let me know if you are having problems using this format.

What do you do?

Not sure where this post is going to head... sometimes you have to just start typing and then... BAM! There you have it... post is done and you have some cool thoughts down... although most of the time when I post, I have something in mind... but today, just writing what comes to mind. So I will start with this:

Did the bills last night... I hate doing bills... finances never turn out exactly how I have planned. With our tax refund, we were going to pay off the remaining $2,200.00 on our new bedroom furniture and pay $1,700 towards our washer and dryer that we recently purchased. But once I got down to figuring the bills (that I had been putting off for about a week, week and a half....) we weren't able to do all of that. The good news is that we did pay off our bedroom furniture... and that I discovered a $500.00 mistake in our Quicken balance sheet. Instead of over spending by about $1,300... we only over spent by $800.00. So instead of paying $1,700 towards our washer and dryer, we were only able to pay a measly $955.00. Whenever, we have an extra paycheck (I get paid every two weeks so two months out of the year I get an extra pay check that we don't need for bills...) or a tax refund, we always loosen up a bit and we tend to over spend. Now, don't get me wrong... I was not upset in the least bit when Sydney came home with my new electric razor that is almost (but not quite) the grand daddy of all electric razors.... Although it was $150.00... it was worth every cent. The last one I bought was only about $60.00 and boy did it suck... almost turned me away from Braun for good... it would bite into my skin when the battery died... (not a good thing...) AND there was no cord so you couldn't even finish shaving if it died in the middle of your morning shave. So, then I would pull out my old, old razor and I would have to lift the foil slightly, turn the razor on and then snap the foil down quickly to get the thing to start... just so I could finish shaving. It bit. Anyway... what was I talking about? That's right, over spending... so I am the reason why we over spend many of the times... (there I said it Sydney). I am the reason why we over spend... I am too high maintence... But you know, I was raised that if you are going to buy something... buy the best. You get what you pay for and it will save you money in the long run. (A case in point is the $60.00 piece of crap razor I bought the first time.) So the question becomes: If you had a choice between over spending your budget and buy the best or buy something cheaper... what you can afford... what would you do? Better yet, what do you do?

Friday, April 08, 2005

Just so you know... I don't look like this guy either...

I got some "flack" a few weeks ago when a few of my blogging buddies found out that Ben and Sydney were alliases that we use to keep the internet stalkers away and that neither Sydney nor myself looked like the caricatures that were on my last template... Rest assured, that the guy in the picture above does not look like me either... although, I do kinda look like that when I fish... lol. The only difference is... the fish are bigger. ;)

Anyway, I hope none of you are too crushed...

(Katie, how are you ever going to recoginize me??)

Have I told you thanks Eddie?

If not; Thanks Buddy.

Curse you Blogger!

I can't republish my new template and it is TICKING.ME.OFF.

It wasn't me... honest!

Nobody can comment! Haloscan is down. This is the first time I have had this happen... I thought it was as a result of my "monkeying" around with my template... whew. I didn't break it.

Skinning my blog...

I am working on trying to skin my blog... it is more difficult than I thought... I have the code in my template is pretty easy; however, pointing that code to my directory and have it do what I want is a different story... anybody who has experience in this, let me know. lol.

I read manuals and manuals last night... not sure how MySQL databases work with PHP... interesting stuff. Unfortunately, I am a novice when it comes to this... so I am slowing figuring it out... If anybody has any pointers, let me know.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's finally here!!!

I am so excited for this weekend.... My mom and my aunt are coming. We for the last 3 years in April get together and quilt for days on end.... I know, I know.... there are those of you out there going QUILTING? How boring can that be! Trust me it's great!..... I made a really fun "I spy" type quilt for Jakers. It's full of color and cars and bugs and he loves it! Kenzies (Mic Mac's) quilt is next and because she is so artsy, I am doing one that has wimsical butterflies and dragonflies on it that will match the butterflies I am painting on the wall of her room! The wings of the bugs butterflies are going to be material that is actually irridescent. It's really cool material! It's so fun! My mom and my aunt will end up being here today through Monday. Good thing Ben gets along with my mom so well. So if I don't blog in the next couple of days you will know why! The quilting frenzie has begun!!!!

I still have to finish some cleaning in the house and make some homemade Turkey noodle soup. And I am talking homemade. The broth is from the turkey bones I boiled on easter. I even make the noodles myself and it is soooo delicious!!! ummm.... (Just think Katie.... all you have to do is come and visit..... I even make tasty BBQ Ribs..... ask my hubby.....)

Knowing how much I have left to do I had better scoot! Hope you all have a great weekend if I don't happen to jump on again... suppose to be near 70's if not 70's all weekend here! Gorgeous!


P.S. Here is a picture of the quilt we are working on for my Grandma...

If you're like me... then you have good taste...

So, music is a great thing... it has the ability to set the tone on so many things... it can put you in a romantic mood... frisky mood... fun loving mood... even can allow you to focus on God more... depends on the genre of music that you like and what mood you're in. Sometimes you let the music set the mood, sometimes you pick the music because of the mood you are in. But the good thing about music is that you can like whatever you want... some people strictly listen to R&B, others listen to Country, some Classic Rock, Some Christian... and so on and so forth. Me, I like all varieties of music. Really doesn't matter what it is, as long as I like it and it's good. Whether it is Frank Sinatra, Jeremy Camp or Tim McGraw or Jennifer Lopez, Boston... whatever... I like it all. Maybe not all of their songs... but certain ones from each Artist. (Surely if I like it, it's gotta be good... because I have great taste in music and... I'm cool like dat. Right Katie?) lol. Anyway, getting to the point... there is a song in which I have been meaning to post the words... but have never got around to it. I like it, because not only does the music make you turn the radio up, but the words are dead on.

Love of a Woman:

My baby knows me better than I do
Funny how a woman has that over a man
I can do anything with here right beside me
Leaning on her is where I make my stand

Where would we be without the love of a woman
Standing behind her man even when he's wrong
The true pure undying love of a woman
Makes a man a fool to think he could make it alone

My daddy ws a wild one when he was younger
Everybody told my mamma he'd be hard to tame
Full of himself he said sir to nobody
But you oughta see him come a runnin' when mamma calls his name

Where would we be without the love of a woman
Standing behind her man even when he's wrong
The true pure undying love of a woman
Makes a man a fool to think he could make it alone

Aman goes crazy trying to catch his feelings
Too much pride or maybe the words come out wrong
But that's okay because he's still here hero
Steady as a rock her love keeps rolling along

Where would we be without the love of a woman
Standing behind her man even when he's wrong
The true pure undying love of a woman
Makes a man a fool to think he could make it alone

Makes a man a fool to think he could make it alone.

Anyway, it's a great song by Travis Tritt. Makes me think of Sydney everytime I hear it. Without question, she has made me a better person and I would hate to think about where I would be without her. She stands beside me even when I'm wrong (although I rarely ever am... lol. Right Sydney?) and her love is definately true, pure and undying. She is the reason I have been able to pursue Master's degrees and my goals in general. Also, there is no doubt that she will stick with me through thick and thin... and support me in whatever I do. I will do the same.

Thanks for always being there Sydney!


What kind of music do you like? Do you stick with a specific genre or are you cool like me?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Almost forgot...

Eddie Rocks!

Due to his great knowledge... I was able to get this site up and running in a matter of minutes... okay, hours... but a few chat's with Eddie and Viola!

Thanks Eddie! Now, after we figure this PHP thing out with skinning our site and a few new templates... MarriedinMinnesota is your poster child when you advertise and start your own business.

We've Moved!

We are now located at !

Please change your links!

If ever there was a perfect day...

Yesterday was a day off... day off from work, blogging and life in general. I worked 10 hours on Sunday, which I don't normally do, but every now and then my job requires me to work on the weekend. So I took yesterday off to make up for it. I got up and went into town to pick up my new-used riding lawn mower. A John Deer LX 277 to be exact. One of the expenses of living out in the country... but should work great. So I brought it home... Sydney had to go into a doctor's appointment for about an hour or so... so I hung out with the kids and played Playstation with Jakers and Micker Mackers. Then Sydney got home and we ate some dinner... after which, Syd took a nap whilst (never used that word before... lol) I again watched over the kids. Jake and I took the lawn mower for a spin to test it out... then Mack wanted to ride... so she tooks Jake's place... then, bug bug came for a short spin... After this, I had to take the pick-up/trailer back to Sam's. So I asked who wanted to come with me and Mickers was the only one that wanted to come with her dear ol' dad... so, off we went. Had to run a few errands in town, so Micker's and I went out on a father daughter date. We split a chicken basket at the DQ. We had a great time. Joking around and eating french fries... we played "Who's the coolest?" (a game I made up at the spur of the moment.) Of course Micker-Macker-Ticker-Tacker-Jicker-Jacker's won... 'cause, well... she's the coolest! ;) Anyway, came home and hung out with Sydney... tinkered around on the internet a bit and then ended the day with some good loving from Sydney... and me snoring soon there after. If there ever was such a thing as a perfect day; this was it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

What' up Doc?

As you know from reading yesterday's blog that, today was the day for my first OB/GYN appointment. Ben was actually able to stay home from work today so that I could go. What bliss. I am driving down the highway and what's that..... SILENCE! ABSOLUTE SILENCE! it was the most beautiful thing I have heard in months..... (sigh) It brought a tear to my eye.....

Now for those of you who are visiting this site for the first time.... I normally don't share this with everyone... but I have a dear friend that shared his ummm.... let's see ..... less than comfortable visit with the doc that left him feeling a little violated!.... I wanted him to realize that life could be worse and asked if he wanted to know what a womens visit entailed. His words word....."BRING IT ON" . So if you are squimish...hoping to have kids some day and don't like being prodded. DON'T READ ANY FURTHER!

This is for you EDDO! May this prepare you for when you are married and expecting wee ones yourself.
It begins at the register desk with they would like you to go to the lab first. So I go to the lab where they draw 4 I repeat 4 viles of blood. After they are done sucking me dry, I get to go to the room where I will be examined. The nurse checks the blood pressure... no big deal, then tells me to take off all my clothes put the wonderful hospital gown on with the opening to the front and put this lovely and comfortable paper sheet over my lap. I sit in the cold environment, my feet getting colder by the min, when 10 min later the doc arrives. We chit chat, asks about any concerns.... umm other than they plan to stick a cathiter up me for a pure urine sample.... no... I'm good. Laying back with arms over the head.... I get to have my chest (Jr. high Version) kneaded to make sure that there are no problems.... eveything fine there.... then I get to scoot my rear to the end of the table put my feet in the stirups and what for the dreaded CATHITER! When that lovely experience is through it is time for the metal tool that they insert into my (PRIVATES) and use is to open me up further so they can take a swab. Then we get to have the doc, use their hand to make sure everything feels okay in your privates.... Next I get the okay to close my legs and are told that... a little bleeding is normal after this exam and not to worry.

I will say the next part I love. I got to hear the heartbeat. Awesome... God is so cool!!!! 160 beats and min. and sounding healthy!!!!

Finally I can dress, and at this time I also got my ears and throat looked at and found out that I do have an infection and that I will need to go on an antiboitic! At least I should be feeling better soon. If this doesn't seem somewhat intrusive... then I can share the story of when Jake was born..... Lets just say my husband who is a hunter was huddled in the corner of the delivery room, while I was having some issues literally saying uh.... Gross!.....(by the way the packers viking football game was also on.) Go PACKERS!

Anyways... grossness... sorry if I shared to much for some of you.... childbirth is a great thing but not always a comfortable experience....

anyways... signing off for now

Monday, April 04, 2005

What comes after the wiping of poopie butts?????

Today I just decide to heck with it I am going to actually sit down and do something besides take care of sick kids and clean my house! So Here I am.!!! Besides I thought my husband would die when he saw that I was actually on-line again.... (You Okay Honey?) said in a quiet loving voice.

By the way I will get to the topic I was going to write about.... hence the title of this blog in just a min. First... as you all probably read from Ben's blog we are still sick... I still have a head cold and everytime I blow my nose my ears actually squeak and hurt... it's awful... but.... NOT NEARLY like having LUMPS on your neck as Jakers would put it. He is doing better. Still running a fever but the swelling in his lymphnodes are going down. PRAISE GOD!.... We were heading to bed the other night and Jake turns around on the steps and says, "Mom, will you and dad please pray that I will get better!" AHHH... Like what parent would say no.... love it.!! By the way we did Pray and are continuing to pray that we all get well....

Back to the title......
My question to everyone who should choose to read this blog is as follows. "What is your dream occupation?" Are you in it? And what's stopping you?

Here's the deal.....after wiping butts and snotty noses I will probably pursue something outside the house. Not right away I want to be available to go get my kids if they are sick at school and go to all their games and speech meets or whatever they should choose to participate in. Thus.... probably not right away. I have had 4 years of college education and absolutely no degree because every degree I tried stunk! THere was no way I was doing any major I had tried those four long years for the rest of my life!.....Then about 2 years ago it hit me..... writing! I have always been seen in my whole 2 posts... snicker snicker..... and I started writing some childrens stories..... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! But..... huge rejection factor when it comes to submitting your manuscripts...... it's hard when you think something is great and get a YOU SUCK! Besides your cover letter must be perfect or they will not even look at your story. I THINK this would be my dream. Creating silly stories for children with good messages that make you laugh. My first series... (IN MY DREAMS) is a series of 4 books that deal with a parent interacting with the child while reading the book and laughing together. The first one is called... The tickle bug. He is a hungry bug that snacks on childrens giggles for lunch and during the book the parent tickles the child so the bug can eat.... the ending is as follows...

I tickle my way down to your feet,
the giggles here are extra sweet.

Lunch with you is so much fun,
I'm sad to say that I must run.

You must not worry, for I'll be back,
You happen to be my favorite snack!

So you get the jest of it anyways. The second one in the series that is ready, (or I guess you would call it ready) is "A Hug for Snugs" and it talks about a bug that just wants to know which hug is best and he tries hugging all these crazy things like a fly, fish and earthworm etc. until he is so discouraged that he thinks the perfect hug will never be found. THen he rushs home and hug his mom and dad and finds this is the best hug and the last line reads as follows:

Now it's your turn to give hugging a try,
Hug someone you know and love nearby.

Sappy I know... but hey.....

So this is my dream.... write fun childrens books and get them published.... what's stopping me? Probably myself.... hard to put yourself into a world that you know absolutly nothing about!
But hey I AM one day going to pursue this...

Well its time to snap out of dream world and go finish making the beds and get some "homemade Spaghetti" started .... (That was for you Katie... just in case you read this.... and yes it doesn't say Rague on the can!!! he he he....)

Signing off Sydney...

P.s. to EDDO Tomarrow I get to have my first exam of my pregnancy. Would you care to know all the fun things they get to do to me? (Can you handle it!!!) :)

"Sicker than a dog."

Jakers is sick... Boy, I tell ya... if we could ever get our whole house healthy, it will be a miracle. Sydney would probably appreciate it as well. Sydney figured it out that at least one of our kids has been sick since the middle of February. Jake has Strep Throat. The infection moved into his Lymph nodes in his neck... so he has these two big lumps on each side of his neck... Yesterday he was playing playstation and he felt so bad that he turned the playstation off. He doesn't get to play playstation very often so when he gets the opportunity, it is difficult to pry him away from it... So you know when a 6 year old turns the playstation off, he is really not feeling very well. Hopefully he gets better soon. I hate having really sick kids... parents all over the world can relate when I say... I would gladly take on his misery if it meant he would feel better.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Better than a cubicle I guess...

I got to see my new office today... I will now have a window to the outside world that will add to my many distractions throughout the day... the only draw back is that I have glass windows for two of my walls... so everyone and their dog will see what I am doing... I sure hope I don't have to scratch my butt or pick my nose or something... (not really) but the point is: it WILL feel like I am in a fish bowl.

Anyway, that's it.