Monday, February 28, 2005

Back amongst the living...

I am back amongst the living... took a few days off from work (and life in general) and I feel pretty good... I would say I am at about 90%. But life is good anyway. I received an email from an old college friend and it was good to touch base with her... nothing like old friends and old memories. Then, I had my tax appointment and I we got good news... all in all Sydney and I will get about $4,200 dollars back... I will take it. I don't know why we always feel so good about getting our own money back... but it does make one feel good... We have been duped into thinking that the government is giving us a refund... which it is, but the point is: it is our money that they took and are giving back... why? Because they took more than they were entitled to. Anyway, all I can say is that it is better than having to pay money in... this is for sure.

Also, we are getting a new dog for our farm site... (Golden Retriever) We haven't figured out a name for the little guy yet and if anyone has any suggestions... feel free give your 2 cents... It will be an outdoor dog and I have a new doghouse being delivered tomorrow. Should be good for the kids and it should also keep the varmits away (as well as alerting us whenever someone comes on the yard. )

My folks came down this weekend to check out the new house and see where we live. In my family, my folks like to visit especially when you have just bought something new... if it is a new car or house or furniture or computer or what have you... then you are more likely to get a visit then if nothing is going on... guess it is not a bad thing... anything to have them come and visit works for me. My folks tend not to visit much because they don't like to "meddle" in our lives so to speak... but maybe tend to take it to extremes. It is always fun to have family around... Besides that, If I think they are getting into our business, I'll tell them about it... but it doesn't mean that I don't want them to come down... just keep their comments to themselves about things that aren't their business. Sydney's folks tend to come down more than my folks do and my folks are closer... not that it is a competition... but family seems to be more important in Sydney's family then in my family.

My thoughts are: Come down whenever and come down often... We love to see you and so do the kids...

Anyway, it was a good weekend.


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Take a few days off from blogging...

Well, I decided to go home early yesterday, stay home from class and take the day off today. I will see if I can recover. I slept in until 9 today and feel pretty good. But I guess I will just have to see how the day goes. Not alot else to say... I am just sick. Will post more when I feel better. Probably be back in a day or two.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I hate working when I am sick... I feel like Jenniy with all her alergies... blowing my nose constantly. Bites.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The plague has decided to rear it's ugly head at our place...

I know, I know... I am slacking at posting... but we have an excuse... the plague has decided to rear it's ugly head at our place... okay, maybe not the plague, but the influenza virus. Same thing... right? Anyway, Jake is just getting over it and Micker Mackers and Bug Bug are just coming down with it. This is the first time Bug has been really sick so she is just figuring out this "getting sick thing" and she is letting us know that she doesn't like it.... Cried all last night... with a couple of breaks that were few and far between... We also have to watch Micker Mackers closely because when she gets sick it always settles in her chest and then turns into Pneumonia. (Why someone ever came up with that spelling for nemonia is beyond me.) Anyway, we brought them into the doctor today and they were given some medicine. So we are a house full of sick o's. Sydney is surviving... feels sick from a cold or the flu, nauseous because of her pregnancy and to top it all off she went to the dentist yesterday and she may need a root canal... the ex-rays weren't positive so she has to wait for a couple of days to see if it is an absessed tooth... if so, she might be able to have some novacaine, but pain killers are out of the question... So on top of taking care of sick kids... she is also worrying about whether she will need a root canal.

Me...? I have a cold... I have been fighting off this cold for the last week and it feels like it is getting worse... so who knows... maybe I am on my way down... but I am not complaining. Especially in light of what Sydney is dealing with... besides that, I am sure she would "shoot me" if I even remotely whimpered.


Thursday, February 17, 2005

Annoyed to the Nth degree.

Whose brilliant idea was it to annoy people with pop up adds? Has anyone been inspired to buy something because of a pop up add? My guess is that the marketing departments at these companies need a good swift kick in the head... seriously, who thinks annoying people will cause them to purchase something from them?

Anybody else annoyed or is it just me?

I'm Leaving Sydney...

Taking the day off tomorrow... get to live the good life with a 3 day weekend. Really, is there anything better than a day off... ? We are heading up to Sydney's folk's place. Her cousin is getting married and while that is the reason for our trip, it is not the reason why we are heading up there. The real reason that we are going up there is to meet Sydney's brother's girlfriend... (well that and I am going ice fishing...) In all honesty, it wouldn't make a difference to me whether I went to her cousin's wedding... don't get me wrong, he is a nice guy... but, he is just a distant realitive to me... My perspective come's from growing up in a small family with no relatives around. It was just my folks and my brother and sister... every now and then our cousins would visit... but I never went to any of their weddings, nor was I expected to... just not use to it I guess. But I am excited to meet Tom's new girlfriend Annie.

Little background:

Tom, has always been shy when it has come to girls... he is a great guy who is good with kids and has a great sense of humor... he will be a good catch for any girl that gets the opportunity. He has had a desire to meet someone and eventually get married, but just never found the right one or has been too shy to pursue someone... so, when I heard the news, I was genuinely happy for Tom. She is coming this weekend to meet the family... so it is a big step. Sydney is very excited... and I don't blame her, so am I. Something about wanting your brother (brother-in-law) to experience the same kind of happiness you have. Not that my happiness stems from loving Sydney, my true happiness comes from the Lord. But I must admit that there is something comforting about knowing the one you chose to marry will never leave you. That sense of security that you feel when you go to bed each night knowing that she will still be there in the morning... I love that feeling. Some people may question how I can feel that way... I can't tell you how I know, but I know that Sydney will never leave me; nor will I ever leave her. See, when I entered this marriage, it wasn't "well let's see if this works... if it doesn't I am gone." But rather, "this is for the rest of my life... no questions." (That's what is wrong with so many marriages these days... nobody know's how to make a commitment and keep their word. The door to leave is alway standing wide open as an option in the back of their mind... how can you experience trust and honesty when you haven't been honest from the start... making a vow that you don't know if you will keep? Simply put, you can't.) Sydney entered it with the same perspective as me. The word divorce has never been brought up in our marriage... not even in jest. That's how it should be. Anyway, we're hoping that Tom will be able to find and have what we have... a love that endures. Whether it is Annie... or the next girl, hopefully Tom finds a best friend for life... someone who will never leave.

...With this being said, more than likely, I won't be there when you wake up on friday morning Sydney... I am leaving you... and I'm goin' fishing. lol. If you ever wake up, and I am gone... I haven't left ya... just gone fishing... or hunting. I'll be back though... whether you want me to come back or not... you're stuck with me. (Needless to say, you are one lucky woman to be stuck with such a fine man... Seriously.)



Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I married a smart woman...

Woke up this morning feeling much better. Sore throat seems to be gone so that is good. Went home yesterday to try and get some rest... spent my day hanging out in a chair... didn't get much sleep but the rest did some good. So I am back among the living.

Anyway, for those of you who followed my blog before, Sydney and I were thinking about getting a new vehicle. At the time, we were deciding whether we wanted a car or something that was 4 wheel drive. Sydney mentioned that her sister was selling her car and my initial reaction was, "We are not buying a car." Well, after taking the time to think about it... living approximately 25 miles away from work, a car made the most sense in terms of gas mileage. For the record, it was Sydney's idea and I take no credit for it because I was dead set on a 4 whell drive vehicle. It was a good idea. We bought Sydney's 1999 Pontiac Grand Am with 35,000 miles on it. Low miles for a car that year. We only paid $6,000 for it... which makes it a great buy. The color wouldn't have been my first choice but I don't mind it either. It is more green than teal but has a slight hint of teal in the color. I hate teal, so if it was teal, we wouldn't have boughten it. (And no, I am not trying to talk myself into this.) All in all, I am pretty satisfied with our purchase and it is nice not to be driving a piece of crap around. For the last few years, we couldn't afford a second vehicle so I was driving a "jalopy". Anyway, I am now driving a nice car that gets good gas mileage... all because Sydney suggested that a car might make more sense. I married a smart woman... (good thing I married her... definately one of the smartest things I have ever done.) ;)

Gotta run.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Quiet Valentine's Day

So I slept on the couch last night... Valentine's Day and I wasn't feeling very well... I didn't want to get Sydney sick... especially with her being pregnant. She can't take the same kind of drugs that I can so... the best thing I can do is quarantine myself on the couch. I had class last night, but I came home with the sampler platter from Applebee's (Buffalo wings, chips, and cheese sticks.) Sydney and I ate a few wings, watched a little CSI... talked a bit... just hung out. Kind of a quiet Valentine's day. Syd gave me a card from the kids and a card from her... so that was good. (Although I forgot them on the living room floor... hopefully bug bug doesn't get them and rip them up.) Anyway, was thinking about staying home today as well, but then thought twice. We are gone on Friday for a wedding so I want to make sure that I am available for the students over the next couple of days. Besides that, I was feeling a little better this morning.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Prom, Pickles and a Pregnant Wife... not a good mix.

So, I suppose you are wondering about prom? All sitting on the edge of your seats... Well, it was great. It started out with a formal dinner with some fun conversations. It was planned that we had to share how the women were proposed to and also our wedding/honeymoon bloopers. Each person voted whose stories they thought were the best and whoever got the most votes won a prize. Syd and I won the prize for the bloopers on the honeymoon... enough said.

We also voted for Prom King and Queen according to what couple the group felt was the most deserving in terms of being romantic to each other last year. There was this new couple that has recently moved into the area that were invited to the Prom by another couple that were voted King and Queen. Their names were David and Fonda. (Really fun couple.) After we voted... and they won... David informed us that Fonda grew up in a really conservative family that weren't allowed to dance or date outside their church.... (he described it as kind of like a Mennonite or Amish community... aparently, a really eccentric situation.) Well he shared that she was never allowed to go to prom... so it was really special for her to be voted queen... that's pretty cool... nobody should have to miss out on prom in my book. That's just wrong. We also had a chance to "renew" our Vows in front of each other. That was a highlight to the night as well. Why Sydney ever married a guy like me, I will never know... Guy's always tend to "marry up" in life. I sure did. (Side Story - My Dad has prayed for me everyday ever since I can remember... as a result I am a strong believer in the power of prayer... Sydney and I met about 8 years before we got married... My folks introduced us... My Dad, really thought that we would make a good couple and that Sydney was perfect for me... so on his prayer list he had my name/future wife with the name "Sydney" in parenthesis for 7 years.... 7 years later, Sydney tracked me down... Syd and I joke that the only reason the Lord gave me such a special girl is because He was sick of listening to my Dad.... "Fine! Fine! ...he doesn't deserve her... but I am sick of listening to you!")

Anyway, back to our night: Sydney was by far the most beautiful young woman out on the dance floor. She had that "Spunky-Sexy" thing going on and Sydney and I can do a mean jitter bug. We were one of the first couples out on the dance floor and one of the last ones to leave. Had a great time... except I kept eating pickles with cream cheese and ham wrapped around them. With Syd's extra sensitive pregnant nose... she was getting sick from smelling my breath. (Unfortunately, I didn't think about it until it was too late.) Nothing sexier than a husband with pickle breath. Anyway, over all, it was a fun night. By the time we got home, we were exhausted and Sydney realized that 28 isn't as young as she thought it was... When she crawled into bed, her back was pretty sore... So I rubbed it for a brief moment and then we cuddled a bit. One interesting fact about me is that when I crawl into bed, I can be out in moments... especially if I am tired. It's a gift. It never takes me more than about 30 seconds to a minute to fall asleep each night....

The night ended with me snoring "sweet nothings" into Sydney's ear.... (I am sure there were a couple jabs to my ribs to stop me from snoring as well.)

Romantic none-the-less. :)


Thanks Sydney...

Well, today is Monday... and I am not feeling to good. Sore throat. Can barely talk... I would have stayed home today, but I have class tonight. The teacher was sick last week and I need to make sure I am there so I don't miss anything... these courses move so fast, if you miss a week... you can be lost at times. I need to know how the professor's absence is going to affect the syllabi. Sydney said, "well you can stay home from work and go to class" ...but, to me at least, that looks bad. I have our graduate assistant that works in our office in the same class, so I send a message that I don't care about work but I do care about class... I can't wait until I am done with this degree so I can stay home and be sick if I need too... anyway, I will survive. Sydney got up this morning and made me a glass of Thera Flu... now if you have never tasted this stuff, let me tell you, it is n-a-s-t-y. But, it works wonders on a sore throat... so if you can stomach the medicine-y, lemon tasting concoction then it actually does a great job at making you feel somewhat normal. I would recommend it to anyone. Anyway, point is: Sydney got up and made me a glass. Thanks for loving me like you do! Happy Valentine's Day!


Saturday, February 12, 2005

Due Date/ Prom night

Just to answer, I think it was Kristine's question, the baby is due Oct. 4th. This is funny and yet not because then 3 out of my 4 children will have been born in oct. Crazy... I told my husband... NO MORE SEX IN JAN! I wanted them in different months. oh well. Not that big of a deal but still. If I go on my due date, I will have oct 4th birthday, oct 5th birthday, and an oct. 18th birthday. anyways.... enough of that....

Tonight is Prom night. should be fun. I have to hurry and get stuff done around the house this morning and make some food for it and then meet my friend around 2 to get all the decorations up and then speed back home and be ready to leave by 5 at the latest. Should be an eventful day. I am just hoping my stomach cooperates. Yuck! This nausea I can do without!

Anyways... Thursday night.... Yeah.. Big doing to bills night, actually went really well. Ben didn't get upset at all and I got no ulcers. Love it when that happens.

It's actually a beautiful day here in Minnesota and I think I am going to run and enjoy a warm day while we have one...
Till another time


Relaxing Saturday Mornings... (one of the best things in life.)

Saturday morning and the sun is shining... nothing like the golden mornings out in the country... tips of the evergreen trees glisten with the morning sun. I would say since we have moved out here a couple of months ago, that has been what I have enjoyed the most. Sydney likes the peace in quite from the other neighbors and I can't say I can argue too much with that either... (especially from the mean old rag of a lady that lived on the left of us in town.) Anyway, it is 8:15 and I am just enjoying the morning... (Sydney and I just saw a pheasant in our front yard by the driveway... it was just taunting me knowing that I can't shoot him because it's not pheasant season... When it is... he better look out! I can't wait. Did I tell you I love it out here?) :)

Syd is going to make cinnamon rolls.. (called seven sister's in a hurry...) Mmmmmm Mmmmmm. It was a recipe that came from my side of the family... and like everything that my mom used to make, she takes it and adds her own special touch to it and makes it about 10 times better. Don't get me wrong, my mom is a good cook. (Need to clarify this incase she ever discovers our blog... lol) However, I would take Sydney's cooking over my mom's anyday of the week... In my opinion... it is better. (If I ever get fat, it's your fault Sydney.) Put it this way.... when my folks come to visit... my dad always makes some comment about something Sydney has made like: "Wow. This is so good! Linda, you need to get the recipe..." To which my mom responds: "It is my recipe." Sydney always tip toes quietly out of the room with a slight grin on her face. Too funny.

Anyway, Sydney and I stayed up last night and watched some of the 3rd season of Alias. I think this is our favorite TV show lately. We didn't start watching it until as of late, but it has been an awesome show. When we moved out here, we were without tv for about a month. (Almost killed me.) I haven't quite recovered from that experience yet... It's a long story and I would rather not think about the stupid cable installation company... Anyway, the good thing to come out of it is that we rented the 1st season of Alias from Premiere Video... We decided to invest and we bought all complete seasons of Alias for future showings... figured there was so much we have missed as we watched it the first time that we can watch the whole thing over again in the future. Right now we have my mother-and-father-in-law hooked on the series and one of Sydney's brother's girlfriends is going to borrow the first season after her folks... Just so we don't forget who has them... lol.

Sydney and I are heading out tonight for our elegant evening out, dancing the night away... Should be fun. We'll let you know how it goes.

Anyway, enough for now...


Friday, February 11, 2005

Why did I go THERE?

So this morning I got up to travel to Mankato to go see the Great Senator Norm Colman. He was at Minnesota State University, Mankato presenting his new legislation which focuses on the importance of international students here in the US. He seems to be on the right track and has bipartisan support for this bit of legislation. All in all, it was pretty interesting and I am glad that I went; however, it was located on MSU, Mankato's campus. I am not impressed with MSUM right now. To give to a little insight, one of my two Master's degrees was earned at MSU, Mankato and this morning I was kind of excited to step back on the campus for the first time since I earned this degree. I thought that after the meeting with Senator Coleman that I would log on and quickly check my email and then see if there were any new posts on our blog. Should be no problems with this right? Especially since I am a past graduate... right? Wrong. After the experience I had, I have resolved in my mind that I will not contribute one dime to the MSU, Mankato Alumni Foundation. I had some undergraduate student at the computer lab say as I was walking out the door, "Well, he is not paying for it." To which I turned around and said, "I paid for the computer services during 2 years of graduate school... besides that, I am not asking to use the computers everyday... just briefly while I was passing through one of my old Alma matters." To which she stated, "You're right. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." So I went to the "Campus Hub" to see if it was possible for an alumnus to quickly use a computer in the computer center. After calling computer services, the answer was a resounding, "No." So as I was driving away from campus this is what was going through my mind: "Thanks for the money... here's your degree... don't let the door hit you in the *ss on the way out... come back and visit... we continue to want your money.... but don't expect anything from us when you do come back... and forget about using a computer when you are here." Was I being unreasonable with my request? I surely didn't think so.

My response? Think I'll just forget about MSU, Mankato entirely.


Thursday, February 10, 2005

"Taking a good look at myself"

I still don't know how I feel about this blogging.... It leaves me feeling quite vulnerable to have others see this part of my life. But sometimes, stiff norweigans need to be stretched.

I was reading my husbands blog this morning and when I read the part that he thinks I make him look bad, it hurt. I know that in the past I had done this without realizing the hurt I was unintentionally causing. I didn't think I was still doing it. It's hard to hear that you are failing your spouse in an area or making them feel dumb. To be completely honest I wanted to jump on and blog the things he does that makes me look or feel badly, but then realized that I was doing the exact same thing he was talking about. It's hard not to point the finger at things the other person is doing and truly examine yourself first... and straighten out yourself. I need to really think about this. Granted let me state for the record that he meant this in jest. Ben was not in anyway trying make me feel bad but it did. This WAS NOT his intent!!!!

so this pregnant and probably way too emotional wife, is going to go clean the house and think and pray about herself. Hopefully I will be able to sort out for myself exactly what I need to do to change this.


No Sydney, your not sick... we're just doing bills...

Well, I am back at work this morning... I went home sick yesterday... stomach was off. Slept from 11 am to 3:15 pm... with an occasional interuption by a kiss on the cheek from my daughter, Micker Mackers, while she whispered, "I hope you feel better Dad." or "Love you Dad." And I was actually not the typical guy yesterday... I didn't even say, "I'm dying" once while I layed there on the couch. Sydney even took note of this... (of course I had to point it out to her...) :) Anyway, I am not one hundred percent today, but I am a person who feels guilty if I am at home and I don't feel sick... I feel like I should be at work. I have over 450 banked sick hours... cause I am never sick... well not never... but I only use them if I need them. Thought I might stay home today, but changed my mind... Sydney almost talked me out of going to work, but decided to come in.

Oh, btw... Syd and I are doing bills tonight... think about her as her "stomach starts to churn and she starts sweating"... No Sydney, your not sick... we're just doing bills.

I always tease my wife that she tends to paint me out to be a "bad guy" (at times) in front of her parents or family...

Just so you all know, I'm not all bad. :) (But for the record, I am horrible when it comes to bills... need to work on that.)


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Sydney's Introduction to the world of blogging...

Well here I am.... Blogging.... don't know exactly what I think yet of having my thoughts/marriage posted on the internet with all the view but if this is a way to actually get into the inside of my husbands head... hey lets give it a whirl...

By the way if you all read the prom letter... he didn't say I was sexy in it last night... It was good/nice/pretty. I didn't find that out till I read the blog! That's what I mean about getting into my husbands head.

So anyways, I am going to be doing my best to blog but with three young ones running around and being Pregnant... dealing with the yucking rolling stomach and ready to fall asleep every two hours I will attempt to blog. You will probably hear from my husband more often than myself but I will be attempting to be on line a couple of times a week.

I will try to be the one keeping the record straight. I told my husband that he makes our life sound rosy on these blogs. Don't get me wrong we have good marriage, and I love my husband but we have our normal peeves with each other. Myself... Hate Hate Hate doing bills with my husband. My stomach churns, I start sweating... okay maybe not but not a fun time in the house. One thing I do that really upsets my husband is putting the wrong cd's in the wrong case..... major no no in this house.

Anyways... I am blogging... who knows, this might be the best next thing since the telephone.

Gotta run.... the oldest just arrived home from school.


Going to the Prom

So Sydney and I are going to the Prom... well not really... but kind of sort of. We have this group of about 20 couples (in their late 20's - 40's) that we do alot with... some of these couples are in our fantasy football league... some aren't but all of us have the same desire to keep our marriages healthly. So we plan events on our own to ensure that we stay connected with our "lovers". For example every year since we have been married (we have been married 7 years) Sydney and I have gone to a marriage retreat. It is a weekend that we can get away and focus on our marriage... about 15 couples all chip in and we rent several cabins at Breezy Point Resort in central Minnesota. We all chip in food and just enjoy the weekend. We pay for speakers to come in to talk to us about how we can keep our relationships with our spouses on track. It helps to ground us, or center us once a year... Needless to say, Bug Bug, (0ur third child) was a result of our marriage retreat two years ago. Anyway, back to my point. This weekend we are having a Valentine's day dance that Sydney and her friend Deb have put together... we have rented a conference area at a local hotel and we are going to "the prom." Sydney went shopping last night and bought a new dress for the occassion... Can I just say that my wife is very sexy? Wow. She slipped it on in front of me and while I prefer her without the dress... (or clothes in general) if we do have to go out, then she can wear that dress anytime. I am excited to dance the night away with my bride of 7 years.


New look...

Wow! Thanks Ciao My Bella for this awesome new look... it rocks! Pretty much exactly how I hoped it would turn out! Sydney and I thank you!

Ben (& Sydney)

Friday, February 04, 2005

I think we are a good team...

Well, it is not much happening today... Sydney's folks are coming down... which isn't a bad thing... I get along with her folks really well. Her dad and I are fishing buddies... so should be good to see them. They are coming down to check out the new house. We recently bought bedroom furniture for our new house and some end tables for the living room. Sydney and I are a really good team when it comes to purchasing furniture. We have agreed that if I don't like it, we don't buy that piece of furniture. And if Sydney doesn't like it, we don't buy it. We figure that we will eventually come across something we both like... so we don't settle. Anyway, her folks are coming down to see the new house and furniture ect. Well changes are coming to the look of our blog... so stay tuned... they will be here by next week!

Gotta run! Have a good weekend!


Thursday, February 03, 2005

An introduction and background to "Married in Minnesota..."

I am back! With a twist... My wife, Sydney will be blogging with me... at times. She is not sure if she is "a blogger" yet... but is going to make an attempt because she knows that I am interested.

Little background...

I used to have another blog that I journaled my person thoughts down... I did not tell my wife about it, not because I was trying to hide anything, but rather that it allowed me to work through my own thoughts without having to worry about what others, including my wife, would think. But I had a chance to see what another blogger went through when his wife discovered his blog. She was very hurt and after seeing the pain that she went through because he wasn't sharing his life with her... I decided to take my old blog down and tell my wife. So, after we talked things through... here we are. Should be interesting to see the direction this blog goes... clean slates are always fun... here we go.
